I am going bonkers over this interview

Apr 05, 2011 20:19

Fandom's distracting me from it all, although I'm thinking that isn't a good sign. My RL friends have also been helping me, though, so all is good. I think.

I'm thinking about making this 50-item (actually, 45-item) Reed Diamond-Olivia Williams-Dewitt/Dominic trifecta of awesome picspam for my tumblr's 2000th post (ambitious Gabe is ambitious). I've already started, making 3 for Reed (caps from Good Night and Good Luck). He looks very pretty in intense black and white... which is the reason why I now have a new desktop wallpaper. trololol

I am also severely tempted to make a Born This Way fanvid starring Veronica Palmer. And also, to re-watch Better Off Ted.

tumblr is fun!, telebisyon: better off ted, law school is going to destroy my life, !reed diamond is love, wifi pirata entry, music talk: lady gaga, hbic: veronica palmer

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