Dollhouse fic - Everything's Not Lost; PG-13

May 24, 2010 22:34

Title: Everything's Not Lost
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Laurence Dominic, Adelle DeWitt
Words: 1, 173
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be.
Summary: He makes it sound so… normal. It’s as if the person (can they still be considered a person, at this point?) he’s looking for isn’t a fully grown (and rather ridiculously good-looking) woman who acts like ( Read more... )

laurence dominic, fic: dollhouse, fic: dollhouse: au, otp: dewitt/dominic, adelle dewitt

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Comments 27

twentyplanes May 24 2010, 15:14:28 UTC
Hi, I still read Dollhouse fic and jfc, I miss the show so much. I'm still bitter over the lack of a proper resolution to Adelle/Dominic and I place full blame on FOX.

Love it, by the way.


derevko_child May 25 2010, 14:21:41 UTC
I'm clinging on to the idea that Dominic didn't die at all before the finale and will be helping Adelle restore peace and order.

Thanks :D


(The comment has been removed)

derevko_child May 25 2010, 14:23:45 UTC
Thank you :D


sevendayloan May 24 2010, 15:37:48 UTC
Okay, first, I don't think I commented on your freaking awesome layout, which is a) gorgeous, and b) filled with OTP GOODNESS. :D!

Now, onto the important stuff. YES YES WE ARE STILL READING AND I MISS IT SO! And this stuff is exactly why! I love your Dollhouse AUs so much. &hearts This something almost poetic about Adelle as an Active. And of course she would be able to fix ties. xD


derevko_child May 25 2010, 14:28:20 UTC
The layout is <3. Thank you XD

Gods, I miss Dollhouse so much I wish everybody writes good fics all the time and not awesomely cracky badfics *cough*Rossum High*cough* all the time.

Oh, and thank you again. I want to make a few fics in this AU, (offshoot from Needs and ASiTHoL) but I also have this Dollhouse/The Kid plot bunny that starts out cute and ends at a stark note but I fear that it'll take me months to finish all of them. lulz.


leanstein May 24 2010, 15:42:04 UTC
This is great! I miss them terribly.


derevko_child May 25 2010, 14:32:21 UTC
Thank you. And I miss them so much my soul hurts.


mightyfastpig May 24 2010, 19:05:39 UTC
Yes, people still read Dollhouse fanfic.

Nice work.


derevko_child May 25 2010, 14:33:50 UTC
:D. Thanks


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