Ya I ship It - A DeWitt/Dominic Ship Manifesto

Mar 09, 2010 11:08

This might be a summary of all the things you can find in dewitt_dominic or might just be incoherent babbling.

ETA: Added a bonus reason. :D

1) They make professional distance seem like a very hot, very sexy kind of distance

You see, these two are professional business people. She calls him “Mr. Dominic”; he calls her “Ms. DeWitt”, or “Ma’am”. They’re never the one to call each other by their first names (well, except that time when Mr. Dominic was imprinted in Victor, and then the other time when he’s in the Attic), yet it just seems so right and oh, so hot and sexy. I can imagine them like one of those Harlequin romance couples, and it’s the late 1800s, early 1900s and DeWitt’s this liberal, high-society woman who has the hots for the lowly Dominic (an educated man, but not within the social circles of the rich) and they stick to the formal names while groping each other and making out in the stables or something. Yeah.

1.1) And professional distance gives us eyesex. Lots and lots of eyesex.
1.2) Also, UST

2) They work together very well, like Batman and Robin/Gandhi/Castro and Che

DeWitt is a powerful woman. Not as powerful in the corporation as that Harding dude (or you know, Boyd), but she’s like, Queen of the LA Dollhouse (but we all know that she’s queen of the world). She eats insecure, sniveling men for breakfast and crushes inefficient people with a flick of her hair. Her right-hand person should be efficient, confident like her, knows his or her place but knows when to call her out on any (possible) missteps. Dominic is all that and more. He anticipates her needs. He knows what to do, knows what she wants him to do, and does his job perfectly. He can also communicate with her through the power of eyesex! I mean, GOD. Who else can do that?

2.1) Working together well also gives us eyesex. Lots and lots of eyesex.
2.2) Also, UST
2.3) Remember that time when they brought him back in Victor? Remember when they both realized *at the same time* who sent Dominic the USB with the picture of that dreadful statue in Tucson? Yeah? How’s that for working well together even though they hate each other but they really don’t?

3) They powerwalk like it’s no one’s business. And when they do, they won’t be able to hear you because the sound of awesome is Just. That. Deafening

So sorry, Boyd. Powerwalking is harder than it looks.

3.1) Powerwalking also gives us eyesex. Lots and lots of eyesex.
3.2) Also, UST

4) Because even though they hate each other, they really don’t

She stonily ordered that he be sent to the Attic but cried in Roger!Victor’s arms afterwards. He keeps saying that he’s there to protect the technology, but calls out on her naiveté on Rossum’s plans (if he didn’t care he would never had brought up that subject. He’s just there to make sure the tech doesn’t get out; the ideals of the Head of the House should be of little value to him). He accidentally shoots her while being wiped and she bleeds as she watches his brain gets sucked away. Later on, she gets herself stitched without anesthesia to remember her mistakes (remember him, the pain that he caused). He rose from the dead to warn them that Rossum’s onto them. He wanted to die but she wouldn’t let him, sending him back to the Attic instead. And when he got out afterwards, he points a gun on her face, shoots her drink, but doesn’t shoot her. Really, they have so many chances of killing each other, but they don’t take it. I wonder why.

4.1) Professional distance has devolved at this point and now we get the amazing disregard for personal space (1x11, 1x13, 2x11)
4.2) But we still get eyesex. With a lot of disregard for personal space.
4.3) And of course, the UST

5) Because they lived through an apocalypse… in a Joss Whedon show

Come on, guys. COME ON. And I don’t give a frak that Dominic didn’t appear in the finale. Absence doesn’t mean death. The way I see it, after the signal brought back the world, Dominic comes roaring into the city riding a motorcycle to help the Queen of the world, wearing leather and looking rugged and amazingly well for someone who went to the Attic twice and been saving non-dumbshows from butchers for ten years. But wait Gabe, you say, but what about #4? It’s been ten years! Have you seen the finale (I apologize if you haven't)? Everybody was hugging Alpha! And those people have issues (a hell lot of issues) with Alpha! So that “bad blood” between DeWitt and Dominic? It’s gone. Those two are probably doing a lot more than hugging, I reckon. (hah)

The fandom's awesome

dewitt_dominic: BEST. FANDOM. EVAR. No drama, no wank, just plain happiness, squeeage, loads of fics, fanart, fanmixes, discussions, what have you. Ahee. Need proof? *points picture* (made by our fearless leader, irony_rocks). More proof? Well, here: We had a Dewitt/Dominic Celebration Week(s) and here's a masterlist for y'all!

eljay comm: whedonland, telebisyon: dollhouse, otp: dewitt/dominic

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