Dollhouse Fic - The Woman with Sad Green Eyes; PG

Apr 12, 2009 14:00

Title: The Woman with Sad Green Eyes
Characters: Laurence Dominic; hints of DeWitt/Dominic
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 1x09
Word Count: 350
Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own Dollhouse.
Summary: They say that everyone sent to the Attic will go mad. But he’s not like everyone.
Author’s Notes: This idea came to me before I went to bed and I quickly ( Read more... )

laurence dominic, telebisyon: dollhouse, fic: dollhouse, otp: dewitt/dominic, adelle dewitt

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Comments 29

juliet316 April 12 2009, 06:28:40 UTC
Oh wow. Interesting piece.


derevko_child April 13 2009, 02:50:39 UTC
Thank you :D


am_what_i_am April 12 2009, 06:47:18 UTC
A wonderfully presented irony. The very woman who consigned him is the one who protects him. Nicely handled, a brief-yet-fascinating glimpse into the attic.


derevko_child April 13 2009, 02:55:05 UTC
Thank you. What particularly amazed me in the ep (which was probably what triggered this fic) was that he was staring at DeWitt seconds before he was wiped and she was staring back at him.


polly1esther April 12 2009, 08:55:18 UTC
Now you made me cry. So sad. And I couldn't even stand Dominic.


derevko_child April 13 2009, 02:45:38 UTC
Aww. I'm sorry I made you cry. *hugs*
But thank you, too. XD


nyaza April 12 2009, 14:20:12 UTC
really interesting concept. ♥


derevko_child April 13 2009, 02:44:08 UTC
Thanks :D


ladyanneboleyn April 13 2009, 01:23:56 UTC
This is beautiful.


derevko_child April 13 2009, 02:41:32 UTC
Thank you. :D

Your icon is cute. XD


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