Mar 19, 2005 22:23
Well I'm back for those who give a shit. A few new relizations some are more reinforcements of past lessons.
A.)Family vacations are getting worse every time I go on them.
B.)Ashlyn needs psychiatric help.
C.)I would almost enjoy euthanizing my grandma to much.
D.) Something substantial has happened to everyone I know excluding me.
E.) My bout with lethargy rages on and it appears that lethargy is winning.
F.) I am now one of the last friends of mine that is still single. Now as much as I love being single I still wish for a sane and attractive girlfriend. *It's not like I'm ugly or anything.* Significant others are like cell phones you want one when you don't have one and when you have one it's a love/hate relationship.
G.) My CD/DVD drive is making knocking sounds.
H.) People suck to the highest power.
I.) The musical score for the Mark Ryden "Blood" collection is kick ass
J.)More of a question than anything else, but am I racist for eating all the black M&M's before the white ones?
K.)After a 2 hour conversation with my brother and mother on what perception is. I convinced at least 1 person that perception is a tool used to take "reality" and turn it into individual reality, and that perception is not reality in itself. Really the way it worked is I argued that perception is not a person's reality and my brother and mother argued that it was. My mother was the first to contradict herself even though she denies that she did. And my brother then negates himself using a banana split analogy. I was then left of with a now smarter brother and a mother pissed off at me for proving her wrong.
L.) Because of the situation in K I realized that my mother doesn't like "arguements" because it's just another form of fighting, but it gives someone a chance to prove her wrong which she HATES.
M.) I also learned that despite the fact I love to agrue and it's ok when someone proves me wrong. It still bugs me when someone tries to prove me wrong.
O.) I mentioned that I'm lonely right?
P.) I don't want to clear off my bed.
Q.) I never realized how much I REALLY want to join the Army till this trip.
R.) Not a big fan of Bass by itself. it needs it's counterpart Guiness.
S.) Flat tires on the trip home really suck ass.
T.) My land navigation class is awesome.
U.) Need to go buy a blue book for a test on monday but the store I can get it at is closed.
V.) I'm still in need of a job
W.) I am almost a liscensed driver.
X.) I have way to much homework to do.
Y.) I found a hand crafted clay llama at the zoo.
Z.) I like the zoo it is fun. Even when you have a 100 pound sibling pretending to be your backpack.
Well that's my life atm A-Z maybe next week I'll make it my life 1 to +∞