Jan 02, 2005 04:17
Mmmmmmm more RAM and a new chipset fan Mmmmmmmm(just installed cause I'm bored.). Chocolate covered banana's are really good. 2/3-3/4 99 banana's 1/4-1/3 chocolate liquer. Happy new year and all that jazz. My new years resolution is to find a way to deal with stupid people other than killing them all. I'm currently in the process of creating a generator that works off of stupidity, as well as finding a method to determind the probability of you being stupid the day you are born. If you have 75-100% chance you are a battery. 50-74% You are put in a very intense school to make sure you don't become stupid, if you fail then you are a battery. 25-49%(and if you graduate the 50-74% school) if you fail this then you goto the 50-74% school. 6-24%, you guys see where this is going. 0-5% This school makes smart people even smarter. I know it's within the realm of science fiction but a guy can dream can't he? I'm done later.