Nov 25, 2004 10:18
Happy turkey day you big bunch of crazies. Eat drink and be Merry... Just don't be Mary and everything will be oka. Now for my word of the day/week/month, well really it's when ever I want to put one up but who here has a concept of time anyway?
Pedantic: comes from the french [pédant] and Italian [pedante], and probably originated from the Greek [paiduein] meaning "to instruct." The word originally meant a holder of a degree or school master, but has since become pejorative to mean a person who presents his knowledge pretentiously or to excess. It is also used to describe those who hold learning from books to such a vaunted status that they forsake practical logic and common reasoning.
Pejorative: A disparaging or belittling word or expression.
Disparaging: To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way
There were a few words that I felt needed clarification because I didn't know what the fuck they mean so there's three for the price of one. Who knew Livejournal could be so educational. Stay tuned for tommorow's lesson. "Your mom, what she's done and who did she do it to." Take care everyone, and don't kill anyone till I get there.