Jan 25, 2006 02:38
Every day I watch and listen to people whinning and bitching about a certain group and how their rights are being violated in some way or another. I've heard complaints from gay, straight, male, female, young, old, black, mexican, asain, white, christian, muslim, pagan, buddhist, hindu, the list goes on. Well that is all bullshit. Every single day EVERYONE is discriminated against. I'm sick of seeing these posts favoring one specific group. It's flat out wrong and hypocritical. I am making a stand right now, the world has to change and no law can be written to change it. We need to put asside our conditioned ideas and stand up for the rights of every single person. We scream for equality yet we never get it, and why is that you ask? Because we spend so much time envying other people, and focusing on our own interests that we forget about all the other people being dumped on. If you are serious about equality then stop making posts about the rights of a certain group. Please everyone if you really do care then sign your name at the bottom post it into your myspace, livejournal, or any other blog, and ignore all one sided rants for equality.
1.) Dirk Hopkins, Phoenix, Arizona.