Learn to use your weapons!

Aug 05, 2008 06:24

I have a job interview today at Cheapo's Discs. I am really excited and pretty nervous about it. I can't remember the last time I interviewed for a job I actually wanted. Of course, I should have gone to bed early, but instead, I didn't go to bed at all. Another night of the same fiery, self-destructive behavior.

I haven't slept more than two hours in a night in the past month.

Chuck understood:

"the dead can sleep
they don't get up and rage
they don't have a wife.

her white face
like a flower in a closed
window lifts up and
looks at me.

the curtain smokes a cigarette
and a moth dies in a
freeway crash
as I examine the shadows of my
hands. ... "

--Charles Bukowski i am dead but i know the dead are not like this

I just typed this entire poem, but then deleted half of it, because I realized that not all of it applies.

Austin is...

ok. I am having a good enough time. I will like it much better if I get this job today, so I can begin functioning like a human being. Of course, after paying my rent and phone bill, even if I get the job, I will only have twenty dollars to get me through the next two weeks. I can do it, but there were a few luxuries I would have otherwise enjoyed.

Well, that's all I have for now. Better than nothing.
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