Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets
1. Reaching my potential. Others have done so and while I am glad for them, I can't help but feel envious of them. You'd have thought I'd have managed this by now. So fo thos of you who love triangles, you'll love this: I pretty much find myself constantly trying to attain self-actualization without the 2 levels below being entirely complete. Well done to others with their nicely completed triangles......gits.
2. Don Quixote's chivalry before he lost it (yes, I am aware he's fictional)
3. Work related thing I'd not put on the Internet as I'm smart like that. My boss already knows what it probably is and fair play he's doing his best to sort it out.
4. The ability to clearly and either concisely or overly elaborately explain what I mean to say with all of its intended meaning intact and understood.
5. Eidetic memory.
6. Perfect vision.....oh wait. The ability to perfectly ascertain the intent and meaning of anything that is ever said to me.
7. The ability to play the piano better than i can.
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