...so anyway

Jun 02, 2010 22:12

I just remembered I can update this as well as read other people's posts. I'm paying for another blog which I don't update either, but I'll be doing something with that when the motivation stick hits.

So, how's my life? well all in all it's alright all things considered, I have my problems, but they're something that will more than likely be solved with a little time, patience and effort applied precisely where needed. Namely they're a lack of money, which is being slowly solved by due diligence and generaly playing ball at work as well as me learning how to save myself some money: such as eating sandwiches in work instead of going to BK or wherever for lunch. So far this seems to be working a treat and I just need to get into the habit of enjoying expensive drinks less and conversation and cheaper drinks more.

The love life? well lets just say that thing's been put on something of a hiatus for the time being. Vividly coming to the realisation that I've no longer got a grip on the whole idea, I need to rethink what I want, what I need and most importantly what I can give as well as a ton of other crap. At the minute though, it feels like I may end up in one big emotional motorway pileup and that doesn't feel right.

Yeah, they're about the only real problems I have, so I can save money and do the best I can at work, save for a car/a place of my own and then hopefully i'll have time to think and enjoy life, the other stuff may happen, but what I don't want is to end up with several years of my life a drunken immemorable blur, as partial as I am to a drink, stuff happens in my life that I might like to recall someday.

....Having said that, my birthday's coming up, so there'll likely be a trip to the ship at some point on or around the 19th. Some chap probably quite innocently scheduled an event on the same day, so I've yet to determine where people's allegiances lie and whether or not I wish to test them. I dunno.
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