The Apple I-Rock

Jan 03, 2007 04:01

That's right, I rock out loud. Not something I say very often, but every once in a while I seem to suprise people (apparently I myself an included in that number.)
I have a big plastic file folder for important paper. Now, anytime I'm going through this file folder, there's only a few reasons, for it contains: Tax information, identity information, bank account and balance information and bills. So, basicaly, anytime I'm in that folder it's for something crappy. Apparently, I knew this but forgot about it about 2 months ago because I slipped one of liz's cuter love notes about half way into my important files. Suddenly fishing for that extra peice of identification rocks harcore cause it gets me sitting down and reading and old love note. (That's a practice I highly recommend.)
Sleep now. More hilarity later.
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