Dec 25, 2010 04:03
To: Myself
From: Myself
Date: 12-25-10
Re: The Future
Dear Self,
I fear the future, as I am not a person who is attempting to dwell in the past or a probability that has not yet occurred, I who cherish the present so much more than i have ever. I have made a decision, that decision is to follow my for my mind separated from my heart sees it worth the risk to take this path. The ramifications though are as always something I can not ignore. Choices will be made, lines will be drawn, as similar lines were crossed before and things were put in quite chaotic straights.
I refuse though to let more pain be caused, more unneeded and unheeded anxiety for those I love.
This is why this situation is so difficult, as I have a split heart, one for the girl who I want to explore my life with and the people who represent my new family.
I know though that when the truth comes out it will be up to them as well to make their own decisions and I will have to live with the consequences. I fear though...what comes of the future.
I fear losing anyone as I have felt that hurt too much lately.