Oct 20, 2016 09:50
Last night was interesting.
After watching the Blue Jays' bats remain as September-cold as they'd been for most of the past six weeks, while Cleveland pitchers painted corners and otherwise danced the ball around them for most of the game, it was sad to see the season end on a low note for Rogers Centre attendees. I had several friends at the game, all posting pics of themselves having a good time even in defeat. *sigh* Now we wait to see what next year brings, and who will be in either right field or at first base, 'cause it probably won't be Jose or Edwin in '17.
As the game ended, I was screeching off to our Bible Reading Group, where we are going through the Bible in 25-chapter clusters (well, probably closer to 35 chapters in 25 daily lumps). We were reading through 1 Samuel 14-2 Samuel 16 and Luke 10-15, which is (for the Bible) actually pretty easy reading! One person questioned what it meant that Uzzah the Levite was struck down by the Lord for touching the Ark on its way up to Jerusalem - made for an interesting discussion on perceptions of a story told about five hundred years before it was collated and collected into the volume we work with today (Uzzah touched the Ark to steady it; it was forbidden to touch the Ark unless God expressly permitted it; Uzzah died very shortly after touching it; therefore, God struck Uzzah down for touching the Ark. Did they question God about it? Did they ask? Probably not; they just accepted and attributed, because they knew he had done something forbidden.)
Then I headed home to watch the dumpster fire.
I don't think they shook hands when they came out on the platform. It actually started fairly well, fairly civil, fairly decent. Chris Wallace really, really tried to keep things civil and moving forward, especially when it bogged down in the moments of him vs. her. But bog it did. Him constantly expostulating "Wrong!" "I never said that!" "Lies!" Her going on and on to finish her points. She looked prepared. He looked agitated. He will say all the polls say he won. I can't see it happening.
Best line of the night. "No one respects women more than me." Audible guffaws on the studio mics, and Chris Wallace having to say, "Please, everyone..."
What was very telling to me, however, was right at the end. Debate's over, Hillary walks up to shake Chris Wallace's hand, sees someone in the audience and immediately descends the stairs to start shaking hands and hugging and be down with the people who were there to see her. Donald waits on the stage, shakes Wallace's hand, and then we watch the parade of his wife and kids coming up to shake his hand and air-kiss his cheek. Hillary's right down in the crowd. Donald is aloof and apart. Optics, people, optics!
Nineteen days, huh? Can't come fast enough...