Feb 03, 2014 08:07
Here's hoping that the second semester for my boys works out better, more or less, than the first one did.
#1Son struggled with attendance and realized last night that he had a tech course this semester with a teacher with whom he just didn't connect - he liked the guy, but #1S figures that it wouldn't be fair to either of them if he tried to take another course with him. He's going to replace it with another tech course, he hopes. The Kat and I hope that he'll be able to overcome both the attendance issues and the work ethic that he's been struggling with and put together a good semester.
Sir Goobs is going to the Alt Ed school across the parking lot - he'll be in a class with only 11 other students, and they work at their own pace to get through their course work. He'll be "taught" by what I've been calling a Swiss Army Teacher - jack of all trades, true master of none. I'm just hoping he'll go, work hard while he's there, and actually get through the material. Considering that he's taken most of it before (the three courses are the ones he blew in second semester last year - completing them will leave him just a year behind pace), it shouldn't be that hard.
Now if only we could get both of them to stop smoking...!
sir goobs,