Today is June 30th. I'm not sure how. School is out. All three children slept late today. The Kat and I got off to work at our normal times, and I have spent much of the day trying to clear off my desk. This is difficult, as my desk is a black hole to which everything in my office seems to be drawn. i can say with some satisfaction that my recycling pail is full of old papers, though the satisfaction dwindles with the knowledge that much of it was materials that I set aside to 'read later' perhaps three or four years ago. I still have such a pile, though I have cleaned out the lap section where my keyboard would be if I wasn't using a laptop. Other papers will also be going by the wayside soon, as I find places for them or discover that they are, indeed, unnecessary.
But this month has gone by so rapidly I can hardly believe it. The speed of the last four-plus weeks has been phenomenal. I mean, on the 31st of May, according to my calendar, I had a Session meeting at an elder's house, missed Sir Goobs' big night at Cadet graduation, attended an Admin meeting in Forest, and was prepping for General Assembly, where I would be heading in five days. In that time, I have...
- attended all five days of Assembly (and just found the other book I purchased while I was there)
- buried a friend's mother
- had the church's annual barbecue AND carnival
- attended the annual Turkey Fest
- had a fundraiser for Darth Daughter and friend (Lexy Luthor)
- had said fundraiser on the day after DD and LL got caught sneaking out of our house in the middle of the night to go meet up with some friends. (That is to say, we searched, and they got caught on the way back home! Happy one-month's grounding, to bookend your Grade 8 year nicely with your OTHER one-month grounding for the unsanctioned party you held at the house on the day you were supposed to be at a friend's for the night but decided to interpret our wishes rather differently while your mom and I were off at Cousin Jenny's wedding back in September. Remember? The other night that the cops came knocking this school year?)
- had said fundraiser a week after LL was assaulted with sexual overtones by a boy she and DD knew from a couple of dances. We hope they learned not to take shortcuts through alley-ways, but obviously the same could not be said for putting themselves in compromising positions! The RO is apparently still in place, but we're not sure how the court is actually going to treat it if things get that far,
- had all three children come home with marks far below their abilities and with a marked lack of caring from at least two of them.
So, what a month.
I am indeed hoping that I'm not actually plaid-shifting - as dumb as that movie now is to my almost-forty-year-old eyes, its concepts have endured - but I'm not sure I'm going to make it. I have two sets of two-week holidays coming up, and for at least a few days I'm taking Sir Goobs fishing somewhere we've never been before. Not hip-wader fly-fishing or anything, but riverbank-, maybe rend a boat, something like that. Maybe THAT will slow things down for a while...