Yep, it's official: I do not watch TV.
I can't be watching TV. The Golden Globe nominations came out, and I'm not only not watching almost all of the top nominees, I'm actually completely ignorant of the very existence of some of them! I've seen two minutes of 30 Rock, perhaps five minutes of Dexter, and almost 3 full episodes of The Walking Dead. I've seen most CSI episodes, of course, but it's become rather tired 'old' TV as it works through its 11th season; New York and Miami don't make it on my TV at all any more, one through bad timing and the other through conscious choice. The Amazing Race got watched this year.
So what the heck am I watching?
Well, Mythbusters, I suppose, and several movies on AMC... Holmes on Homes if it's after 11:00 at night... and sports... news, without a doubt... but no 'shows'! I've had people recommend many shows to me by times, and I always think I'll watch them and I never do. I can't stand ANY talk show host for long - Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert used to get about 15 minutes of my time per night, but not even that any more.
TV or not TV? *shrug*