Jul 05, 2011 03:55
You can't really know if you're sane, by that I mean experience the world as it truly is Reality is. Our perception of reality subjective and we won't all see the same thing the same way, ever.
I think instead you can only think of yourself as having ACTIONS that are crazy when you're out of control and your actions incur negative consequences. It is better to focus on what you know of and can change and try to improve your situation. Like drinking too much, then saying things you regret and losing a friend. Or having a depressive/manic episode where you do something that not even you can explain later...like staying up all night plucking all the hairs out of your body with tweezers...
I had a friend who was raped and beaten up in his/her home in junior high by an adult in their 40s, who they had thought was another teenager on the internet. Afterwards she did many "crazy" things as a result of being unable to deal with the consequences of that trauma, but over the years she's been able to stop doing many of the things she knew s/he didn't want to be doing that were "crazy". Whatever "crazy" thing you do can hopefully be worked on. By trying to change those actions or the thoughts that cause them. There is almost always some sort of hope and people can always change something in their life. If you feel overwhelmed by it all, break your problems into manageable pieces and fix them one by one. Suddenly you'll look back on your old self and not understand how you ever did those crazy things.