so its about 315ish or so and i just got done making cookies for work. heres the deal, we like to bake. we are also very competitive people. so i was like "hey lets have a cook(ie) off charge people 3 dollars to come eat what they will and vote for their favorite cookies and we can give all the money to the tornado victims for shits and giggles" so we got it all organized and the cook(ie) off is tomorrow.
im a little sad because amber is all the way in spain, and this is the first time ive had baking fun with out her :( (note she is not a crutch, just a staple). my 14 year old brother helped me, he did a surpringly good job! he bakes a lot, i just assumed it was always out of a box... but he knew his way around the kitchen. i was a little irrateted because he acted like i didnt know what was going on. i set him straight there! but we worked very well together, i love my little bro.
anyway... the cookies..
first off i made a treasure cookie, a basic choc chip cookie with some modifications. i used dark chocolate chocolate chips, coconut flakes, and walnuts. i dont think these turned out to well... the nuts were kind of icky and the first set got a little burnt... but o well.
second, we made a double chocolate cookie with macedamia nuts and dark chocolate kissables! mmmmm im not going to lie this is extremely delicoius. ive made similar cookies with amber, so i knew it would be good.
now if those dont win me the contest, then my next batch will. it is called an elvis cookie. stupid name, so elvis liked peanut butter and banana sandwiches. big deal. so im just going to present them as a peanut butter and banana cookie. these are some of the best things i have ever put my mouth around, and believe you me, my mouth has been around!
now i just have to figure out why i am single....
this weekend i plan on making dark chocolate chocolate chip banana coffee muffins or some such delight... im excited.
other notes, theres probably lots of typos and i apologize. dont think poorly of me, im sleepy and i dont have my glasses on, so i am going purely off of the blury figures on the screen and what i think my fingers are typing.
second, i am concerned because when i wash my hair, i often find strands of hair as if my hair is thinning... :( my grandma said she noticed my hair thinning since ive lost weight and says its common. it still doesnt make me feel comfortable. I AM GOING TO END UP LOOKING LIKE DANIEL OH GOD
last, before i go to bed, i use the elipses alot (...) i realize this. and right now i dont care.
ps baking cookies makes me miss my best friend :( but she will never come back from spain now that shes been there...