(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 11:09

1. CD right now: Carrie Underwood (Some Hearts)
2. CD of all time: Christina Aguilera (Stripped)
3. Song right now: Lessons Learned- Carrie Underwood
4. Song of all time: Goodbye On A Bad Day- Shannon Lawson
5. Movie right now: White Chicks
6. Movie of all time: What Lies Beneath
7. Bar: Stouts
8. Birthday present: Life and Dakota
9. Holiday: Christmas
10. Article of clothing: CA hat
11. Shot: ANY of them as long as the liquid is going IN the body and not out of it. (I hate having blood drawn.. the concept of sucking liquid out of my body disturbs me.)
12. Phrase: "Jethus Crithst" or anything Sarah Hiett says.
13. Drinking game: When I was younger my friends and I would make drinks with all sorts of ingredients from the kitchen.. and put them in glasses.. and then label them with numbers.. put numbers in a hat.. and whatever number you drew you had to drink a sip of it. We had meat from the kitchen sink, toilet water, mustard, etc. etc.. everything. It was so much fun! We were really young, though.
14. Curse word: Probably B*tch when it's used hilariously.

Random Questions
15. If you could switch places with anyone for a day who would it be: I'd pick some celebrity just because I'd love to see what it's like to be a celebrity.. but I don't know who.
16. Best recent celebrity gossip: Kelly Clarkson is pregnant.
17. Your unhealthy obsession: perfection
18. The place you go when you're emotional: my bed
19. Your hero: Bree Van de Kamp or Gregory House
20. Your least favorite person (come on there's someone): Vinnie Doah and Neamiah *spelling?*
21. The last time you felt 5 yrs old again: Today
22. If you could live anywhere in the world without worries where would it
be: Rhode Island
23. Do you speak any language other then English: French and a little Korean
24. If you had an incredible, never-ending income what would you buy: An island
25. If you could leave work/school/home right this second for a vacation
where would you go: Somewhere cold and gray.. Far Far North to Canada, Greenland/Iceland.. or Antarctica. Away from civilization.
26. Most embarrassing moment: I've had sooooooo many.. whenever I turn red.
27. When was the last time you sent a letter, a real letter not an
email: I cannot remember.
28. If you hear this song one more time you'll rip your hair out: QUEEN
29. Crush: Jessica
30. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Julie Stefan.. I'm not sure if she's a boy or a girl because I've never seen that area!
31. Date: November and December everything
32. Drinking experience: I never drank.
33. Love: Louise.. when I said I love you to her.
34. Car: X-Type
35. Home away from home: Well it used to be Matt's.. but now it's Julie's most definitely.
36. Pet: Dakota and Chowder
37. Job: Teaching Piano haha
38. Time adulthood hit you: 9th grade

39. Who have you known the longest: Matt
40. Who could blackmail you forever: I don't think anyone...
41. Who did you hang out with this weekend: Matt, Kristy, Alexa, Julie, all of Julie's relatives, and hmmmm probably more..
42. Who was the last to call you (besides parents & significant
others): Monica
43. Who was the last person you chatted with online: Julie
44. How many great friends do you have from high school: 2 or 3
45. Who is furthest away from you: emotionally? lmo just kidding. I don't know.
46. Who is closest to you: Julie.Matt.
47. Who have you lost touch with that you would love to reconnect with: Gert
48. Who is your most recently made good friend: Kristy

Pick one
49. Getting your heart broke OR Being lonely: Heart broke
50. Piercings OR Tattoos: piercings
51. Paris Hilton OR Nicole Richie: PARIS!
52. Warm & raining OR Sunny & snowing: ew.. Cold and snowing.
53. Waxing OR Tweezing: laser removal
54. Stewie Griffin OR Homer Simpson: wtf? Neither
55. The O.C. OR 90210: Laguna Beach
56. Sports car OR SUV: Sports Car
57. Target OR The mall: Target
58. School OR Work: School
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