Ok, James here, first up I'm sorry I've been very quiet, work on essays and reports and a general running about has prevented me from commenting on here via my main profile, and in particular doing my once-promised review of the
Key to Time. I saw the first story
The Ribos Operation and then loved the first two episodes of
Pirate Planet but since then have become distracted with many another show. Rest assured that I will review them at some point (not to mention debate whose more mad -
Graff Vynda-K or the
Pirate Captain!)
I've been trying to get my dad into watching the first season of Sherlock (he loved the two two episodes and now wants me to get Season 2 for him) whilst my mother has tried to get me into Downton Abbey (and succeeded - seen the whole first series and episode 1 of season 2 thus far and I think it's one of the best period dramas I've seen in a good while). So TV wise I've been pretty busy.
In any case, we recently had the awesome news that after years of fanfiction and overall debates on the subject, IDW Comics are writing an
epic eight-part crossover comic between Doctor Who and Star Trek: The Next Generation, putting the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory alongside Jean Luc Picard and his Enterprise-D crew as they battle the alliance I never thought we'd ever see together - Cybermen and Borg! WHEEEEEEE!!!! I'm incredibly excited about this (and I can see the collected Graphic Novel going on my Christmas List for the end of the year) but in honour of the occasion, I'm deciding to do a very special Meme!
A while back I mentioned a tribute to numerous villains and monsters in Doctor Who, but now I'm expanding the idea to become 30 Days of pitting Doctor Who and Star Trek's most infamous alien races and villains against each other, with the chance for you to give your own ideas. This should probably start in about a week and a half time as I format the list, it'll go something like this:
- The list will feature creatures from across both the Classic and New Doctor Who and the original four Star Treks - TOS, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager.
- I'm ignoring Enterprise on account of never having seen any of it outside the first story (so I won't kid myself writing about aliens I don't know) and all 11 of the Star Trek films (including the 2009 reboot) are out on account of them being films - this is a TV vs TV thing.
- There will hopefully be a nice divide between eras. I'll ideally be picking aliens people would know over the more obsure ones but the idea to have races which counter each other like the Borg and Cybermen.
- I'll be using the following critera for each race - Names, Images, Bio, What To Do If You Meet One, Crowning Moment and Notable Individuals. Once that's done I'll give my own opinion of who I think would come out on top by Brawn, Brains and General Awesomeness. I'll then let anyone comment to give their own opinion.
So that's the lot. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in the Meme and until then... Make it GerominSo!