Memes 'R Us

Aug 02, 2007 10:34

1.Mundane Name:
Derek Lyons

2.Mundane Job:
None, househusband

3.Persona name:
Theodoric the Scholar

4.How did you come up with your name?
I don't rightly recall - I know I was tagged with Theodoric by the afternoon of my first event (I think Seamus helped me with that, dim memories of Steve Martin's "Theodoric of York - Medieval Barber" SNL sketch sometimes surface.) "The Scholar" came a little later.

5.Where and when did your personal live?
England, 1086. (Theodoric is a minor clark assisting with the compilation of William's Great Survey.)

6.What is your Known World Location?
Barony of Dragon's Laire, Kingdom of An Tir

7.What kingdom do you consider to be your home?
An Tir

8. How long have you played?
20 odd years.  I stopped keeping close track because...  well, I just stopped.

9. How did you get started?
I'd heard of the SCA for years, encountered it at cons and such, and a HS friend who'd joined in college kept urging me to to.  Then one day I was very closely reading the newspaper (to avoid killing my roommate, long story) and saw a brief blurb on June Faire.  Since it was practically around the corner, off I went - I've never looked back since.

10. Why did you join?
Because it seemed fun/cool/interesting - and it has lived up to all that!  It's been a hell of a rollercoaster ride, and I'm nowhere near ready to get off.

11. Have you registered a name?

12. Have you registered a device?
No.  (Though I've started to a dozen times or more.)

13. What awards have you been granted? In what kingdom did you receive these awards?
All in An Tir: AoA, Goutte de Sang at the Kingdom level.  Golden Blossom (Blatha an Oir service), Snapdragon (x2, one part of a group, plus an individual award) (Dragon's Laire service)

14. How many events do you attend each year?
Much fewer than I would like to.  Roughly between 4 and 8 each year, mostly local, all day trips.

15. What is the best event you have ever been to?
That would probably be the September Crown the Barony held in AS 35.  The Clan had a nice encampment seperated from the others by buildings or space, we (the Cameron's) distinquished ourselves by running both the Stone Soup and the reception at the Baronial Investiture (which marked the end of Reign of Terror), we had a wonderful french toast Clan breakfast from leftover bread donated to the stone soup, I recieved my Goutte.

It was however marred by the death of Mistress Serena Eame of an illness she had been fighting for some time.

That year the Mariners were making a pretty good run at the Pennant - and on Sunday, as folks were packing out, virtually every car radio on site was tuned to the game...

16. What is the worst event you have ever been to?
I'm with Arontius - the Yule Feast where we polled for-or-against She Who Shall Not Be Named.  It's a doubly horrible memory for me because I was the autocrat, and I had to redo the event on-the-fly and practically from scratch to accomodate the Royal Court and the polling.

17. What event do you make it to every year?
June Faire

18. What event do you refuse to go to?

19. Who is your favorite person to hang at an event with?
My lovely Lady Wife, duh - does anyone actually expect a different answer from me?

20. What activities do you participate in?
Pursuits culinary and various minor service activities.

21. What activity would you like to learn?
None spring particularly to mind.

22. Are you a marshal?
I have been in the past.

23. How many tents have you had destroyed at events?

24. Has your garb ever caught on fire?
No, though my cloak is (in)famous for the cigarette burns on it.

25. Have you ever woke up in a strange person’s tent?
Strange as in I don't know them?  Never.  Strange as in "man, are they strange"...  Many times.

26. Do you have a pavilion?

27. Are you a peer?

28. Do you ever want to be a peer?
I used to - now, not so sure.

29. Is a coincidence that peer rhymes with beer?
Given the general fondness of the SCA for beer - probably not.

30. Are you a squire, apprentice or protegee?

31. Who would you like to be squired, apprenticed or protegee'd to?
This is a dangerous question to answer - it risks annoying, embarassing, etc... myself and various peers of my aquaintance.  There are some peers that I admire, and that I (at least) regard myself as some form of a friend with, that don't know if I could have that close a relationship with or if it would be sucessful.

I'm also skittish because of my position as Head of House - my (SCA) brother, the founding Chief, was a squire...  And despite the agreements that were put in place beforehand, his Knight did not recognize the responsibilities that being Chief entailed.

Any peer who knows me is free to ask me, in private and in person, and I'll discuss any possible relationship to them with them and them alone.  I'm always open to possibilities.

32. What is your war cry?
I am a man of peace, and thus have no war cry.

33. Have you ever been pulled off of the field for your safety?

34. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in armor?
I've been in armor once - for about a half hour.  It was however probably funny as hell for those watching.

35. Have you read corpora?
Yes, once I read all the varied and sundry governing documents and tried to keep up with them.  After the Reign of Terror, my interest in such things lapsed.  I should probably start doing so again.

36. Circlets, how do you feel?
Don't wear 'em - though I am sometimes tempted to aquire one appropriate to my station for Court and formal events.

37. What household(s) do you belong to?
I have the honor and the cherished burden of being the Chief of Clan Cameron de Ben Liath.  We aren't what we were - and I aim to fix that, though I don't know how quite yet.

38. If you could change one thing about the SCA what would it be?
That would be.... I dunno.

39. What is your favorite part of the SCA?
The company and the friendship.

40. What is your SCA Goal for the next 7 years?
Haven't got one - probably should fix that.

memes, sca

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