Sakura-Con: First batch of pictures... general convention snapshots

Apr 01, 2013 10:30

The quick-and-dirty and easy photos... the general convention shots, which I actually didn't take too many of.


With the con on four floors of the convention center, the escalators were as busy as I-5. It was sometimes aggravating because a cosplayer I wanted to shoot or someone I wanted to talk to was often on the *other* escalator going the opposite direction...

Main Entrance

I should have spent a lot more time here trying to catch cosplayers going by... it was busy, but not often all that crowded.

4th floor lobby

Busy almost 24 hours a day with attendees coming and going... this is about as empty and uncrowded as it got.

If you get the idea that it was very crowded and busy... you're on the right track. :)

Exhibitors hall

I have no idea why they call it the exhibitors hall - everyone was selling *something*. In the SCA we'd call it merchant's row. Between all the cool stuff and the crowds it was total sensory overload.

Go Go Godzilla! Gojira and friends... I really wanted one but at $75 a pop, I declined.

This t-shirt however, I just could *not* resist.

Must. Have. Caffeine...

Otaku fueling up for the day at the Starbucks down the street...

sakura con, photography

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