Almost ready for Sakura Con...
- Hotel reservations and con pre-reg: Done!
- Schedule printed out and both of our schedules gridded out: Done!
(There's still some details to be worked out - mostly because we don't have all the panel descriptions.) - Lens rented (A better indoor/portrait lens) and on hand: Done!
In Work:
- Laundry
- Packing list
- Practicing with the new lens. (A couple of quirks have already been noted.)
To be done:
- Pack (duh!). (Clothes, camera gear, books, etc...)
- Clean piggie cage. (Wens night and wash the cage lining immediately so we have a clean liner when we get back Sun.)
- Shop. (Snacks, piggie veggies for the person who is watching them, Dr Scholls for my shoes.)
- Print out con pre-reg sheets and hotel reservation confirmation.
I'd hoped to 'live blog' the con... but in the end, LJ isn't really compatible with a smartphone. I'll try my best, but those that haven't might want to hookup on Facebook. (