Kingdom A&S / weekend wrapup

Mar 04, 2013 06:43

Went to Kingdom A&S on Saturday, and by the end of the day my brain hurt badly... soooo much good information. Plus plenty of time hanging out and chatting with friends.

Two funny anecdotes...
  • We stopped by Starbucks on the way out of town, and the lady at the drive up window asked if we were "going to Seattle". The looks of confusion on our faces prompted her to add "to that comic thing". "No", we explained, "we're off to a medieval event in Tacoma". I guess to the mundanes, one form of geek looks much like another.
  • While watching a presentation, the presenter apologized for going off in too much details and being "too nerdy". One of the judges leaned in and said "don't apologize, you can't swing a dead cat in here without hitting ten nerds".
Less fun was court... Sometimes I couldn't see what was going on for all the cell phones people were holding up to take pictures... and let's not get started on how all the bigger camera's flashes looked like paparazzi at a Hollywood opening. Self control people, self control. This is theoretically a medieval event, and all of your electronics are very jarring during a solemn ceremony.

We'd planned to go to dinner with a friend, but since court ran long we were all *starved* when all was said and done. (And we were in Tacoma, which none of us know well.) We ended up going to a Panda Express (fast food pseudo Asian) - the food sucked, but it was calories and filling and the companionship was excellent.

In other news, we got our passes and hotel reservations for Sakura-Con, so that's the next Big Event on the horizon.

sakura con, weekend wrapup, sca

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