Jan 21, 2012 07:25
With the roads still being quite icky, our friend Rich gave Brenda a ride to work. But by noon, the rising temperatures and rain had cleared the roads enough so I could get out and run my errands... I felt like Rocky from Chicken Run shouting "Freeeedooom!", only (hopefully) without that sudden splat at the end.
Once I got off the back roads, the weather was no longer a problem - instead it was the pedestrians and drivers in the parking lots who seemed oblivious to the slush and traffic and to have the collective IQ of overcooked eggplant.
I was able to pick Brenda up from work, and we celebrated the end of the storm by hitting Silver City for beer and dinner. (Yay good beer!).
But now that the Snow Day series is over, Mother Nature Productions is running her next feature - Windstorm! it's going to be an interesting week...