Fourth Of July Weekend...

Jul 05, 2011 09:59

Fourth of July weekend... summed up;

  • Sat: Up early and off to the Peninsula for a day of exploration and geocaching in and around Port Townsend.

    Hit up Edensaw (a lumber dealer/woodworking store) but they we closed for the weekend. Right next door there was a place dealing in salvage lumber, and while the gate was open nobody seemed to be about so I called the number on their sign on a whim - and one of the workers was there and gave us a tour of the yard. (Note to self: Call them back every now and again to see what they have in stock.) Hit up Akami (art store) and gave Brenda an early birthday present (cash) which she promptly spent a good chunk of on paints and brushes.

    In amongst all this, we found five of the seven caches we attempted, which is a pretty good run. One took us to the town's historical cemetery, all the clues were the birth and death dates of various historical personages buried there, and the cache owner took the time to write a nice brief bio of each of them. My favorite of the day lead to an overlook up on the hill with a *wonderful* view of the water - and was two blocks from the Farmer's Market, which we wandered for a bit.

    Lunch was at Dos Okies - a BBQ place near the marina (highly recommended!), their sides need work but their Q is excellent. The real score however was dinner... We wanted pizza, and the first search result had five stars and when I looked further had a steady run of 4.5/5 star reviews. (I love smart phones!) So off we went to Lanza's for one of the better Italian dinners we've ever had.

    I got some excellent photographs from the overlook, and also of some deer we spotted having a bit of lunch in someone's garden. (At least I hope they come out, it's always a crapshoot.)

  • Sun: Sunday was medium quiet... Chuck came over and we hung out and then grilled up dinner. Steak, potatoes, and corn - your basic grilled dinner. The steak was *excellent* if a hair overdone, but we're still mastering the Egg.

  • Mon: Brenda had to work a half day, so I was stuck at home. Feeling a bit down, I headed out to Waterfront Park and wandered around. I got one decent photograph in about two hours. When she got home, we headed up to Klayton & Heather's BBQ... We've been invited for years, but it always conflicts. Had a blast and also indulged in photo geekery, beer geekery, and Scotch (whiskey) geekery along with excellent food and massive quantities of fireworks. Sadly, we had to bail early because Brenda had to work early today and because I'd promised Eric that I'd give him and their dogs a lift home before the main event fireworks.

    After dropping off Brenda, I headed back out to a spot I'd scouted out earlier that looks across the Narrows and down at Lion's Field and shot the fireworks people were shooting off there. If I get even *one* that is half as good as they looked on the camera's screen I'll be ecstatic.

All and all an excellent weekend. I missed going to the ball game like we usually do, but for one reason or another Brenda and I were the only ones that could go and we decided it wouldn't be the same with just us and bagged it as well.

Off to start laundry, and then to import and process the photographs. I'm months behind on posting and have resolved to post current work in a timely fashion and to hack away at the backlog.

4th of july, geocaching, weekend wrapup, photography

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