Feb 12, 2005 12:55
Ok, I had posted what I thought would be the perfect girl. Some of the things I had on there weren't expressed in the best possible way, so I'll go back and revise some of them, and add some stuff here and there.
1. She must be attractive. Not super hot or anything like that, but moderately good-looking. I don't think that is much to ask. (Also that she think I was attractive. Of course, if she didn't, she probably wouldn't be my fantasy girl.)
2. She has to be fun to be around. Intelligent, humorous, and not afraid to be herself. I want her to be comfortable doing the things she normally does around me. Burping, swearing, the whole nine yards. And I don't want one of those girls that feels like they can't be seen until they put their makeup on. That's just silly.
3. She has to accept the fact that I am a big nerd. I collect comic books, play videogames, watch cartoons, and worship the sacred trilogy (Star Wars). In my defense, I not the type that gets consumed by these things so much so that I ignore her. I'd much rather spend my time with a chick than play videogames.
4. She has to want to spend time with me. Not all the time, but I think it would be wonderful if on a Friday night if she had to choose between going out with her friends or with me, she would choose me. Someone that genuinely likes being around me, even if that means staying in and falling asleep on the couch together watching old movies.
5. She HAS to take care of me when I'm sick. As above, I don't expect her to spend all her time with me, but when I get the sniffles, she damn well better be around. She can also expect the same courtesy in return, cause I will be there for her with soup in hand, err, cup/bowl thingy rather.
6. She has to be able to call me on alot of the bullshit that I'm prone to. I want someone strong-willed, and she has to be able to reign me in. (I'm not gonna lie though, with boobs, it won't be too hard.)
7. She has to be up for new and different things. I like to try everything at least once. I wasn't too keen on the idea of sushi and now I love it.
8. She has to get along with my friends. But, since most of my friends live about 1100 miles from here, she could just pretend to and that would be okay too. (Not really, not unless she was REAL convincing.) And she has to get along with my parents. Yes, they're hippies, but I try not to hold that against them. (joke, I love my parents.)
9. It would be nice if she was musically inclined. Not a must, but I dabble (rather badly) in guitar and piano, so that would be cool if she was into those things as well. It would be really cool if she could sing. Also if she was artistically inclined. I like to paint and draw and sculpt. It would be really cool if she was into it enough to pose for me. That would be super.
10. She has to like to travel. I'm from another state 1100 miles away, and I'm gonna have to go back and visit, and I would like her to be someone that would go with me. And she can't get scared on airplanes. Or rollercoasters. I love to fly. I took a piloting class and flying an airplane is by far one of the greatest experiences of my life. Also one of these days I would like to go back to England and Germany, and I would love to go to Italy and Spain as well.
11. I dislike mimes. She can have nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with pantomime in any way shape or form. That is a deal-breaker. Unless she swears off her mime heritage. That would make it okay. But no mimes. Mimes are smug.
12. She has to want to take care of me. Not act like my mother, but enjoy doing those little things that make me happy. Since she's my perfect girl, she'd get the same from me. And it would be nice for once to meet a chick that liked my sappy romantic gestures and didn't think I was a dork because of it. And for the love of god, if I send her flowers, she can't sit there and stare at me like I shot her uncle or anything. She has to be happy about it.
13. Not a clean freak. Not a slob, but not a clean freak. I can't stand it when people can't go a day without dusting.
14. Wants kids, just not anytime soon. I'm young.
15. She has to like movies. I like films. Alot. So she would too.
16. Not REAL big on pets. Now, I love cats, I like dogs, and I certainly wouldn't be adverse to having one or maybe two, but not a freakin zoo. If we're gonna have a zoo, people will have to pay to come over, and then we wouldn't have any friends left. I don't want that. Ok, by not too many pets, I'm referring to your larger housepets, i.e. cats, dogs, goats, things like that. Little pets in cages, that's fine. Fish are fine. But the amount of larger pets should be proportioned to the size of the dwelling. I don't want to have 9 cats, 5 dogs, and a goat when I live in a two bedroom apartment. Also, I'm allergic to cats, so some consideration there. And if we did have pets, they have to be taken care of properly. Cleaned up after often, fed regularly, etc...
17. She can't hold stupid things I did against me for longer than 7 months. now I'm not talking about cheating or anything like that, cause I am not that type of guy. I think if you're having problems, you work it out, and if you have the desire to be with someone else, they deserve to know. I'm a one woman kind of guy. She damn well better be a one guy kind of gal.
18. Never, ever, ever lie to me. (This excludes little things like "Was it good for you? She can lie to me about that all she wants. Although I am very willing to learn if I ain't doing it right, so it would be to her advantage to be honest there as well.) No lies. Period. That includes saying you're going to do something and then not doing it. I'm honest to the point of it getting me into trouble, she should be honest too.
19. Not one of those people that has a cell phone glued to their head. I don't like them. Yes, they're handy, but I'm not fond of the idea of having yet another phone that rings all the time around. I'm not saying she can't have one, but she has to be decent about it. And she has to turn the damn thing off in movies or places like that, without being reminded.
20. I like beer. Not wussy wine coolers and crap, beer. I like wine, I like whisky. No crap drinks. Ain't having it. If she want's to drink them, that's fine, but she better not try to pawn that crap off on me. If I want something that tastes like kool-aid, I'll drink kool-aid. And she can't be a vegetarian. I like beef, and fish, and poultry, and pork. Hence I eat those things. I'm not the type to keep alot of salad stuff on hand.
21. Very physical. Very playful. I would like the kind of girl that when we're doing dishes it's highly likely that a fight with the sprayer thing and dish soap ensues. Now, she needs to be tough, cause I am very, very forgetful of my size and strength, and I would hate to accidently hurt her or anything when we were wrestling around or anything. (In a former life I don't think I was six foot tall and 200 pounds.) Also, I'm not a violent person. I would like her not to be either.
Okay, that covers most of the bases there, so I'll leave it at that. For now...