hahaha ohhh so funny. Fakers.

May 31, 2005 15:46

crooklynNYC03: hey
derekxjonathan: who is this
crooklynNYC03: my name's Chandra
derekxjonathan: ok
crooklynNYC03: I saw you on FTJ on my friends account. i'm on migente though, but I saw your pics thought I'd say hi..
crooklynNYC03: sorry if i'm botherin' you though
derekxjonathan: wait im confused
derekxjonathan: whos account?
crooklynNYC03: lol
crooklynNYC03: my roommate she has an account
crooklynNYC03: i was on it just looking at peoples profiles this weekend whne i was sick
crooklynNYC03: bored
crooklynNYC03: and found yours
crooklynNYC03: ............sorry
crooklynNYC03: oh.. heres my pics-
crooklynNYC03: http://members.migente.com/ladonagambino
derekxjonathan: k
derekxjonathan: so which one is you?
derekxjonathan: the top one?
crooklynNYC03: ... they're all of me, cept the last one, which is me n my ma
derekxjonathan: lol @
derekxjonathan: the top one is DEFINITELY NOT you.
crooklynNYC03: .......
crooklynNYC03: wow
derekxjonathan: uhh yeah.
crooklynNYC03: thats... presumptuous of you
crooklynNYC03: considering I cant even see ya face in eitha one of yours. but im being lectured on identity?
crooklynNYC03: they're all me.
derekxjonathan: lol sike.
crooklynNYC03: amazing what a tanning bed session can do
crooklynNYC03: and dressing up, as opposed to sitting in front of a webcam in sweats
derekxjonathan: because the top picture is of a girl named emilee who i just happen to be friends with IRL.
crooklynNYC03: that was the point of putting those pictures there
derekxjonathan: aka I've met her and we've hung out..
crooklynNYC03: then emilee must have been an internet friend
crooklynNYC03: nah.... i'm sorry, but that cant be true
derekxjonathan: LOL
crooklynNYC03: thats good though
crooklynNYC03: can i write that down?
crooklynNYC03: quick reaction time too.
derekxjonathan: http://l00063.myspace.com/00063/24/19/63389142_l.jpg
derekxjonathan: busted.
crooklynNYC03: i applaud u on that, its semi convincing
derekxjonathan: lol i never get you people
crooklynNYC03: ... not really
crooklynNYC03: ive seen that link before
derekxjonathan: seen it where? probably in myspace profile?
derekxjonathan: i dont get how you can be convinced that youre someone else...or try and pass someones pictures off as yours, especially when I've met the girl.
crooklynNYC03: ehh...
crooklynNYC03: its nothin to figure out
crooklynNYC03: we're just gay guys who wanna feel the admiration of a straight guy
crooklynNYC03: sorry for wastin' ya time though
crooklynNYC03: its really all base din boredom thoguh
derekxjonathan: like..i mean..i've MET the girl and hung out with her...and its obviously not you
crooklynNYC03: gotcha
derekxjonathan: yeah good luck w/ your gay faking?
crooklynNYC03: ehh, its all boredom
derekxjonathan: im sure it is.
derekxjonathan: that and being REALLY REALLY REALLY lame
crooklynNYC03: how's it lame?
crooklynNYC03: look at how easy it is
crooklynNYC03: ive told you the goal
crooklynNYC03: to get admiration from straight guys
crooklynNYC03: it just so happened you say you hung out with her
crooklynNYC03: so theres a .8% percentile
crooklynNYC03: of someone who knows for sure its fake
crooklynNYC03: other than that
crooklynNYC03: the results are always the same
crooklynNYC03: its admiration
derekxjonathan: its lame that you find a girls picture and try and pass it off as you.
derekxjonathan: thats lame
derekxjonathan: i could give two fucks what your goal is
derekxjonathan: the fact that you do that...is lame
crooklynNYC03: how is it lame?
crooklynNYC03: its an easy way to get attention when im bored
crooklynNYC03: everyone gets attention in different ways
derekxjonathan: what are you? Fucking dyslexic? I mean besides being a lame gay guy posing as a girl..
derekxjonathan: lol.
crooklynNYC03: its just flirty bullshit
crooklynNYC03: no meaning behind any of it
derekxjonathan: ok..i would just save it, cause i really dont care.
derekxjonathan: i mean really.
crooklynNYC03: you asked
derekxjonathan: no..i I didnt.
derekxjonathan: i said it was lame.
crooklynNYC03: you said you never get "us" people
crooklynNYC03: my fault
crooklynNYC03: to me, that was asking
crooklynNYC03: I really dont see the need for hostility though
crooklynNYC03: thats where the real lameness seems to lie right now
crooklynNYC03: cuz think about it
crooklynNYC03: ur laughin at me, belittling me for what?
crooklynNYC03: its going to effect me
crooklynNYC03: ?
crooklynNYC03: get me to change my ways?
crooklynNYC03: i get my kicks, just like anyone else dose in any other form of motive online
derekxjonathan: i really dont care though?
crooklynNYC03: theres no need to disrespect, ,cuz you didnt get disrespected either
crooklynNYC03: so then stop typing derek
derekxjonathan: Hold up fruit cup. You IM'd me with your shit.
derekxjonathan: good call though.
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