[It's been getting to him, this sitting in the clinic and waiting for time and Adele's patient (and way too flipping slow) use of Nala's healing abilities. So as soon as the doctor had let him, he'd laid claim to a pair of crutches and started short forays out of his room. Never too far, of course. He took Adele's threats as his doctor seriously, and wanted no part of whatever forced measures she might get into her head to take against him if he was too 'ornery' during his treatment.
He'd met the type before. It'd ended with him being knocked pretty much senseless until his then-physician thought it 'safe' to let him have his own motor control back. It wasn't an experience he wanted to repeat, especially in an enclosure that gave him no chance of getting far enough out of reach.
Still, there's only so much 'behaving' he can do, and today he makes a break for it, even though he probably won't get very far at all.
By the time he manages to work his way to just outside the front entry of the Dome and finds a bench, he's pretty worn out. Disgusted with himself, but still determined to do something other than sleep, he flips his journal open once he's lowered himself down to sit. After a moment, he'll speak.]
I know we have a few mechanically inclined folks here, but I thought I'd make an offer to everyone anyway. My name is Derek Bliss, and I've only been here a little over a month, but I've been thinking of how I could help out.
I'm a bit of a mechanic back home--so I'm willing to offer my services if you all break a toaster or something. Like I said, I'm pretty sure there's other folks as well trained, if not better, and for all I know the stuff gets fixed along with the houses when they break, but there you go; that's the offer. Right now, I'm at the clinic, but I'll be back in my own place sometime soon. Community building 6, 6th floor, room 26. No type of payment needed or anything, although some good coffee would be appreciated. Got any questions, I'm here all day.
[With that, he'll settle the journal on the bench next to him and turn his attention to the next little thing he wanted to try.
He'd done some reading up on the spirits--there wasn't much else to do except read when you were bed ridden, after all. And he had to admit that the work Adele had done on him using healing magic was impressive. There was more than one time Derek had been sure Nala had been speaking to him too while Adele worked. It was both unnerving and curiosity inducing.
So, after some long, hard thinking on it, and some extensive soul searching, he'd decided he might was well try and contact Nala himself.
If anyone actually comes looking for him, they'll find him on the bench, eyes closed, and breathing deep, as if he were meditating. Which is not that far from the truth, actually. Seemed to be the best way to get the healing spirit's undivided attention, after all.]
This entry was originally posted at
http://derek-bliss.dreamwidth.org/347478.html. Please comment there using OpenID.