New Years Resolutions and Contract

Dec 31, 2011 14:50

January 1, 2012
Draft v 2.1

I, Derek Garcia, alone assembled, and with due consideration paid in life, blood, and tears, do hereby declare and bind myself to the following:

WHEREAS, in the course of human events, it sometimes becomes necessary for a person to dissolve herself from the chains of those influences which do not contribute to health, human happiness, liberty, equality, and prosperity;

WHEREAS, genuine happiness cannot be achieved without a spiritual understanding of the purposes for which my life exists, and a realization of universal Truth, as separate from delusion and falsehood, which often obscures itself as temporary joys, false promises, and empty words which have no meaning;

WHEREAS, words have meaning;

WHEREAS, my soul purpose and life gifts include a duty to write words, to achieve justice through human expression, to envision, suggest, and help create a new reality for all, using language and self-expression;

WHEREAS, it is impossible to speak truth to power without first knowing Truth;

WHEREAS, the first step to knowing Truth, is to know thyself, and it is improbable to know Truth while simultaneously deluding thyself;

WHEREAS, I have been given talent with my hands, whether in music, writing, as a fist, or with words, but so often I have used my hands in service to exploitation, known or unknown, or with an absence of Truth and inner self-knowledge as a guiding compass;

WHEREAS, that whenever any form of self-government becomes destructive of the pursuit of life, liberty, equality, and happiness, it is my right to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as shall seem to me most likely to effect my safety and happiness.

WHEREAS, every foundation must first rest on principle, which cannot be ascertained without self-knowledge of Truth first, and an understanding of the true nature of Reality, with or without Ego;

WHEREAS, the enormity of mass human suffering, environmental collapse, worldwide socioeconomic instability, and growing inequality and oppression, have created the urgent and absolute necessity and revelation of new principles upon which a new society may be based;

WHEREAS, the greatest impediment to genuine human change is individual hypocrisy and outside corruption, which causes lack of self-awareness and a refusal to listen to my inner being and true nature;

WHEREAS, to change the world one must first begin by changing myself:


(1) RESOLVED, a nightly meditation of not less than thirty (30) minutes, in which I relax and think about nothing;

(2) RESOLVED, I will learn a new song, not of my own creation, on bass guitar, at the rate of one (1) song per day, and practice the guitar, with vocals, for not less than thirty (30) minutes per day.

(3) RESOLVED, taekwondo practice at least 3 times per week, whether alone or in class, and daily, unconditional practice of all forms, including study of literary knowledge, for not less than (10) ten minutes daily;

(4) RESOLVED, I will ride my bike for not less than twenty (20) miles per week, without regard to weather conditions or work obligations;

(5) RESOLVED, daily, not less than fifty (50) sit-ups, twenty (20) push-ups, and twenty (20) leg-ups;

(6) RESOLVED, to do one kind, anonymous deed daily, and to specifically create that opportunity if none presents itself;

(7) RESOLVED, weekly, not less than fifteen (15)minutes on punching bag, twenty (20) laps jogging, and thirty (30) laps swimming in pool, with more, if necessary to catch up.

(8) RESOLVED, zero (0) grams of nicotine intake ever, and to similarily refuse to participate in the exploitation of others;

(9) RESOLVED, monthly, not more than twenty-five (25) gallons of gasoline consumed, even if work requires out-of-town travel;

(10) RESOLVED, yearly, four (4) triathlons completed;

(11) RESOLVED, floss daily,

(12) RESOLVED, yearly, at least five (5) model rocket launches;

(13) RESOLVED, monthly, at least one new novel or book read of any subject matter, whether spiritual, philosophical, comic book, intellectual, literary / poetry, how-to, or otherwise.

(14) RESOLVED, weekly, the study or play of chess for not less than thirty (30) minutes;

(15) RESOLVED, vegetarian except under the following conditions: a) as a guest in somebody else’s home or as a gift; b) if the meat were going to waste anyway; c) if hunted and killed by myself, after a proper blessing and thanks given for the miracle of life; d) if a traditional New Mexican or Native American dish, and/or served with the possibility of green or red chile; e) if starving in the absence of any other food.

(16) RESOLVED, no drinking of beer alone, unless with friends or unless home-brewed myself, but otherwise strictly limited to wine, not to exceed one (1) bottle weekly;

(17) RESOLVED, weekly, at least two (2) hours of playing video games, no exuses;

(18) RESOLVED, weekly, at least one (1) hour of giving thanks and saying prayers for the amazing people and blessings in my life;

(19) RESOLVED, the filing of five (5) new civil rights cases yearly, regardless of others still unresolved, and without regard to the amount of other pending or pro bono work in criminal defense, entertainment law, or family law, unless I accept employment enforcing other laws, which may preclude me from litigating the Constitution of the United States, but may still permit me to enforce other Constitutions.

(20) RESOLVED, a recorded album with the new band, in whatever form, by February 27, 2012.

(21) RESOLVED, the completion of a final draft of the screenplay “Conclave,” by May 15, 2012.

CHOICE OF LAW, CONSTRUCTION; This agreement shall be interpreted under the universal laws of human ethics, and according to my internal conscience.

ENFORCEMENT, SEVERABILITY, and BREACH; Any litigation or breach under this agreement shall be resolved according to internal arbitration. The failure of Derek Garcia’s performance of any one resolution shall not affect requirement of performance of any other resolution, nor shall a waiver of any breach or default of this contract constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the resolution itself. Damages shall be awarded based on each breach, in the form of $25 (United States Currency) or 5 hours of time, donated to a charitable, philanthropic, or community organization, individual, or cause of my choice. Any amendment to this document must be signed according to the same method securing the original.

I, therefore, as representative of myself, myself assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of my intentions, solemnly publish and declare, that I am free, and of right, ought to be free and independent, from the chains, addictions, lies, and misconceptions that bind humanity everywhere. And for the support of this declaration and contract, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence (regardless of form), I pledge my life, and my sacred honor.

Signed, in humility and pure intention,

___________________________________ _______________________
Derek V. Garcia, Esq. Dated


_________________________________ ___________________________


I hereby certify, on January 1, 2012, I placed one (1) signed copy of the original of this contract, written with real ink, on parchment, and with Quill Pen, in the mail, addressed to myself, to be opened on December 31, 2012, and not before. I further certify that the original has been secured, in unaltered form, in a single location, and has not been altered or changed in form or substance, since its concurrent sealing.

Derek Garcia
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