Another Top Ten List

Nov 07, 2009 18:26

Here are, in my opinion, the ten best actresses, in random order.  I will list their names and then roles that I thought were best.

1. Jodie Foster-Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs
2. Sigourney Weaver-Sandy Travis in Imaginary Heroes
3, Michelle Pfeiffer-Rita Harrison Williams in I am Sam
4. Helen Hunt-Arlene McKinney in Pay it Forward
5. Sally Field-Sybil Dorsett in Sybil
6. Diane Keaton-Annie Paradis in First Wives Club
7. Laura Linney-Kate Burroughs in Breach
8. Meryl Streep-Sister Aloysius in Doubt
9. Sandra Oh-Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy
10. Ashley Judd-Kate McTiernan in Kiss the Girls

Honorable Mention

Joanne Woodward-Cornelia Wilbur in Sybil

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