I dont know if any of you have read David's post already (gimmi_now), but first off just let me say that an unpredictable series of events probably kept me from getting arrested the other night.
Now, let me throw in these pictures.
and the story begins to unravel.
So I woke up in the mall... not really but sort of. I had somehow ended up there wandering aimlessly around, confused and alone. But fortunately, David Mishkel and Matt Wolfson (whom I hadn't seen since school ended) found me and saved me. I put on the old Stephen charm and convinced them come "come back to my place".
I blacked out again. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I do remember being hungry. We had traded Matt Wolfson for Matt Pavlich, and were pulling into Hardee's when it started POURING down rain. Not wanted to dampen our thickburgers, we found a table at this unusually packed resturant.
COUNTRY MUSIC BEGAN TO PLAY. Not just any country music, live country music. Maybe it's the southern blood running through my veins, maybe it was the grease from the thickburger, or maybe it was just the moment, but I was amazed at the talent these musicians had. We called as many people as we could to witness this unusual spectacle... I mean come on now... A concert at Hardees? This sort of thing could seriously never happen anywhere North of York County Virginia... There were peanut farmers dancing in the line... I spent three dollars on a ham raffle... It was so beautiful.
Nothingness again...
So we want to go to this chick's house... well it wasnt really her house, but she was "Watching it for a friend" who didn't happen to be home... for the summer. But Justin's drunken self couldn't give us directions. After wandering around coventry for about half an hour, Pavlich remembers where it's at. We pull up, get out of the car, only to find that a dude runs towards us and yells "cops". So, we turn and casually walk the other way. Upon driving out, my car gets wedged in between a cop arresting some kid and a big ass truck. So, trying to manuever as best I could out of the way the cop informs me of my intent to run somebody over.
That night I ended up in the coventry parking lot being asked my Wolfson if I wanted to play a game of grabass.
I have no idea what happened that day.
-Stephen! Anderson is currently collecting money for the Little Donny Foundation.