[Character Name] Natsuo Sagan
[Point Taken from Canon] Ch91
[Age] 12
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Youjisexual
[Eye Color] Green
[Hair Color] Reddish-pink
[Height] Uuuh...I'd say...about...5'1"
[Other] Missing eye hidden under an eyepatch. A number zero branded onto his skin somewhere on his body.
This. or
That. [Background]
[Personality]Natsuo is a tricky sort of child. He's the "nicer" (if you can call it nice) of the male Zero pair, being a little less sadistic and a little more helpful when need be. Like when he was taken in by Soubi and even started helping around the house since Soubi's hand was injured really badly by the nail Youji put into it. Of course he did it nonchalantly. He's not the kind of boy that will go out of his way to help someone. His is more of a responsible, off handed help.
He's fascinated with pain, probably because he can't feel any of his own and doesn't feel remorse to causing other people harm. He likes seeing blood and has even killed a dog before because it was being too noisy. He's not above violent threats and will act on them if the warning isn't heeded. Very much like a stray kitten. Get on its bad side and they'll shred your fingers up.
He's very hard to get along with, you have to get past his bratty, condescending, critical, protective, blunt and mean side first before you can get to his helpful, playful, and actually kind of nice side. Ritsuka was able to do so easily. Probably because he's also Natsuo's age, he's cute, and he's a good person. If Ritsuka was anything else, he'd have gotten the same treatment, but Natsuo was really pleased to meet Ritsuka. It also helps that they have some of the same hobbies.
He also likes Soubi, but that was a harder journey for the three of them. It was a gradual thing, but how could he not after Soubi housed he and his sacrifice as well as helping them on their games and making sure they don't hurt themselves.
Kio him over with his playful attitude and sweets and good food. That usually goes a long way with children.
Making friends with Natsuo is like making friends with a pittbull, once you get passed the teeth, he's a very nice boy and protctive, but if you turn on him or wrong him, he has no qualms with ripping your limbs off.
Natsuo also hates adults automatically. He has no respect for them which probably stems from being neglected by his creator. He finds them irresponsible and useless. Though that's slowly starting to change as he finds more adults that he's coming to actually like. It's a slow progress, but it's progress at the very least.
He's devoted to his sacrifice like any good fighter should be. He will do whatever Youji says (mostly) without a second thought. He's also considered the "smarter" of the two because he should be able to know how to take care of himself and his sacrifice when anything calls for it. Anywhere Youji goes, he goes. You cannot say the name Natsuo without saying Youji as well. It's just like Fred and George from Harry Potter or Sam'n'Eric from Lord of the Flies. They look out for each other and compliment each other.
Natsuo is dere with a heavy dose of tsun while Youji is tsun with a dash of dere.
~Spells: He can manipulate people and the area around him using words. They're not set or specific spells, but the better the word manipulation, the better the spells works and the better it can over power the other Fighter's words. (Of course this will all be discussed with the players if I want to have them do something that affects characters directly).
~Painlessness: While this isn't really an ability, but more of a trait, it can serve a useful purpose. With painlessness, he can push his body to do things that people would limit themselves to because they would feel pain. (This can also kill them because if they don't limit themselves, they could get terribly hurt and die from it.) The painlessness includes not being able to feel extreme temperatures, being drunk, or the feeling of being sick.
~Being able to sense other Fighters in the area.
~Being able to find is Sacrifice anywhere.
[Affection] If your character tries to hug him and he doesn't know or like your character, he'll probably cut them. Same with kissing, holding hands, touching him in any way.
But if he likes you, he'll rub his cheek on you, hug you, kiss you, cling to you, etc. He actually has to like your character first.
[Fighting] Other characters can injure or fight him. He won't go down easy, though. And he can tend to instigate fights. It's just him being a brat. Of course, I'll ask if an actual fight can happen and please ask if your character can brutally injure mine. He won't be able to feel it anyways.
[Other Permissions] The fourth wall can be broken on him, with permission. Telekinetics can't read his mind without permission, of course. Just let me know and I'll probably be cool with it.