Feb 09, 2006 17:39
Count down begins in 5..4..3..2..1... and then? Nothing. That is how I'm going through everything right now, just as dull as the corridors of the school due to the dark lighting and the ugly colors painted on the walls. Comply, conform, ignore, slack off and wait. My intelectual abilities are sadly deteriorating and my attitude towards achievement is just pathetic. I'm doing something about it though. "Put yourself together woman! Do something more productive than exhaling carbon dioxide." That's what has been playing at the back of my head, but then "having fun" just seems to put earplugs from inside my head to my ears. I don't seem caring enough right now and I'm really scared for myself. I've been detaching myself to so many things and I thought that was suppose to liberate you but now it just bothers me that I don't care anymore. What else am I suppose to like? I just wait for things to be over which would be... never. Everything is the cause and the effect of everything else. Damn it. So here's another entry of ranting about how everything is just going fair and how I'm loving it.