The abyssmal hatred

May 03, 2005 23:12

Quote of the day: "If money can't buy happiness, then what do you call porn?" -Andrew Schwab

So this all began when a friend on some forums asked me to tell her more about myself
Like my beleifs and motivation from day to day and all that
I tried to avoid the subject entirely, I hate talking about myself, it always starts arguments or depression. But now that its been sparked, I figure I may as well spill it to more people since I've had to go in depth about it.

First and foremost, I really don't give a shit about myself. Therefore I don't care about people hitting me, long as they don't cause any damage to me or my articles that will cost money to repair. I enjoy giving pain and enjoy taking pain. So I guess that makes me sadistic and masochistic. Lucky for everyone, I keep most of my violence under wraps. And may all those dear to me be very far away when I finally snap and let loose.
I have repressed anger issues, so if I get mad, i get a million times more angry than I should be.
I'm cynical, I like to point out the 'sick but true' part of every situation. I'm not racist or a pervert, I just say racist and perverte things to test how racist/perverse others are. Well, I'm a little perverted, but any teenage guy who isn't a little perverted would have to have been neutered.
I love to argue. It adds spice to life, and helps me figure out whats true and whats a lie.
Playing the Devil's Advocate is great, I often argue against people for things I agree with, just to further understand why they view that side, and to deepen their knowledge on the subject.

as most of you probably know, I don't believe in any religion. I believe that the thought of there being a God is pathetic. a lie created in order to give people false hope that after their life in this disgusting, corrupt world that they will be in paradise. If that's really the case, the ultimate thing to do with any religion is to commit suicide and atain paradise and eternal bliss sooner.
I don't believe in 'good' and 'evil'
There is no good or evil, just oppinions on it.
For example: A thief steals a loaf of bread from a baker. The baker views the thief as evil, and himself as the good, innocent victim. The theif on the other hand, views the baker as evil for not giving him a loaf of bread to save the life of his starving daughter.
Now, someone says "but he could have found another way to get food." yes, thats true, but not the point
The point is that there is no true good or evil. Though there are choices that are better than others.
And as there is no good or evil, there is also no right or wrong. It all just depends on your own viewpoint.
Even the Nazi Party wasn't truly evil. Yes, they did terrible things, but they only did it to save their dying country. They thought it would help them regain strength, and it obviously took a bad turn
Again, they had 'good' intentions, so to speak, but handled them the wrong way.

I depspise the media, the government, politics, all of it. I would like nothing mroe than to be completely disconnected from all of society, other than my friends.

My life is worthless. Despite how mean or cruel I seem to be, I devote myself to helping my friends solve their problems. Basically all I do is try to help people with their problems. People just don't properly interpret my wordds and actions.
I am doomed to be misunderstood. I've realized this, but don't like to accept it.

I believe love can transcend everything. So all should be free to love who they want. I believe in gay rights and all that jazz
any time you use the term 'gay' out of term, as an insult or whatnot, or make a comment against gays, it adds another check to your name on my List... (And Mike, don't worry about that, do to your insecurity about gays, I never added you to the list)

I'm bicurious, if you have a problem with that, please tell me. I promise I'll give you time to explain yourself before I rip out your spine.

I think law enforcement is too weak. Punishments for crimes are too weak. if someone murders someone, they too should be killed, no questions asked. Nothing about mental competency, just killl them and be done with it. Don't worry about being humane, they weren'thumane in their crimes.
"An eye for an eye makes everone blind"
So be it, let us be blind until we learn our lessons.

I live to find true love. Its my passion for keeping my own life.
that and good food.

I become more disgusted with the world with each passing day. I want to escape it, or destroy it. But I hold too many people dear to me to do it.

If you have any more questions about me, ask quickly, I would rather not stay on this topic for much longer, but I will as long as needed...
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