May 25, 2011 01:23
Just trying to get the hang of tablets. It's not going as well as I'd hope.
Also, given up on writing with the tablet, too. I have boy-writing--which is apparently universally illegible.
At least my kanji/hanzi is decent. Well, better than decent for a foreigner. Decent for a native...?
racist question: why are most white people so baaaaaaaaaad at writing kanji/hanzi? It's something I've observed from sneaking peeks at Japanese/Chinese students' work. It makes me want to cry it is so bad.
I don't say anything. I try to keep my dickishness to myself. Several years ago I did say stuff...and they got offended (which makes sense) because they believed that their work was perfect (which BOGGLES the mind).
Of course, maybe I shouldn't be so judgmental since I probably suck now, too. I'm out of practice. The only the kanji I've bothered with over the past few years was my family name. (Sadly, my Chinese is better than my Japanese when it comes to writing/reading.)
I'm practically a white person.
Ever since Obaachan died, there's no real reason for me to go back to Japan.
Moving is a bitch.
I unearthed some of Obaachan's old letters to me. She was so thoughtful -- she even included furigana for the kanji!
One of the letters was wrapped in tissue paper. I had it pressed between a couple of textbooks to smooth the wrinkles out. I forgot I had put it there.
It's so sad for me to think about her.
My deepest regret is never coming back to Japan before she died.
She used to make the best umeboshi in the world. She would send us packages full of goodies from Japan. Usually there was candy in there and a couple of times she sent me comics, but there was always always her umeboshi.
We still have a jar of it left in the fridge even though she died years ago.
I don't want it to run out.