Got my new monitor yesterday! It's awesome.
Spent a good portion of my time after work yesterday just calibrating it and stuff. Then I kept calibrating the old monitor trying to make it match, because the dissonance was freaking out my eyes. I eventually gave up once it clicked that it wasn't ever going to match up...because the new monitor really is fucking amazing.
Colors look much prettier on my new monitor.
Tested it for dead pixels. It seems fine. There is this one pixel, though, that worried me at first. When I turn on the monitor or change the input, the pixel is this electric blue. It's placement leads me to believe that it's intentional, though. And it doesn't effect the image at any other time.
I wonder if I should have got a slightly bigger monitor, since I want to hook up my gaming consoles to it.
My tv has a 4:3 display, so Skyward Sword kind of...doesn't take up the whole screen. It's a 27" tv, but what I actually see is more comparable to the size of my new monitor, give or take an inch.
I've been researching some hardware that'll help me do it. Got some advice from some RL peeps. I looked into component to hdmi converters because of my manager's statements. But, idk.
I can either convert the component signal to VGA or HDMI, since I am hooking up the DVI to my PC, and those are the only other ports. I say only, but I am pretty sure those three ports cover all the bases, lol. Though it would be ridiculously convenient if it had component!
I don't care about upscaling. I just don't want the image to be distorted. A lot of the hdmi stuff is all about upscaling, and the product descriptions seem kind of...fishy...sometimes. But that could just be my ignorance on this subject coming through.
Honestly, some of the reviewers are kind of silly. Just because you can convert the signal into 1080p or whatever, doesn't change the fact that the original image was 480p. It's like converting your music files into a different format! You're stuck with the quality you start with.
Which is why I don't think it really matters whether I choose to convert it to hdmi or vga. HDMI might be better than VGA, but that won't do me any good. Also, I already have a couple of VGA cables lying around. And I don't have any HDMI ones.
No matter which way I go, I'll be spending at least $50. Which, honestly, would probably be worth it to not haul that damn tv with me when I move. Buying a new tv is out of the question, though it would probably be the simplest solution. I have a tiny room, and it seems silly to fill it up with too much stuff.
Idk. I should probably buy more practical things. Like a helmet. And a reflective bike jacket. And an air pump.
Monitor's been on my to buy list forever though. So has audio technicas (or shures)...I want those things something awful...but I will wait until the price has dropped to close to $100 again.
Fuck. I'll just buy the stupid helmet. I hope this style of helmet fits my head better. One size fits all does not fit Dara. If it doesn't, shouldn't be too hard to return.
I have been incredibly unproductive lately. My head's just been all over the place. Once I'm situated back in school, I'll have the health and wellness center officially test me for ADD. I don't think I was tested before. They just shoved ritalin and adderall at me. Actually, the adderall salts worked really well with me, now that I think about it. The long lasting ones just made me feel tired.
I kind of like not being focused though. I don't get much done, but the world seems beautiful. Life feels like an impressionistic painting, lol. I'm not just talking about images, either. Just, all the thoughts and feelings and experiences kind of blurring together to make this cohesive whole.
The world is so beautiful. I am so glad I am alive.
It's a lovely feeling, you know, to ride your bike down the trail and feel cold wind in your face and be surrounded by all these bare trees and a winter sun.
Hmmm. Actually now that I think about it, I think I stuttered less when I was on the ADD stuff. I don't have a speech impediment or anything. Apparently, talking requires more focus than I am usually willing to give, lol.
It's not like I was unhappy on the add stuff, though. I think I've been off that stuff for almost a year...maybe. I think it just made me...idk, more serious?
Maybe this happiness is because I'm no longer an awkward teenager filled with too many hormones and insecurities.
wow i rambled a lot.