Feb 28, 2012 20:03
Started packing stuff.
Suddenly, there is so much room on my desk! I guess that's why I shouldn't just leave random books, receipts, letters, et cetera on my desk.
Why do I have all these old magazines??? Was I going to cut out all the pictures? Use them for reference? Giggle over the nerdiness in GAMES magazine?
I am such a pack rat.
You know what's awesome about having windows with poor insulation??? You put your soda cans on the window sill (and put some curtains or blinds or whatever on the other side) and they get really cold! You don't need a mini fridge!
Another awesome thing: I'm getting my super awesome monitor soon! I'll hook them both up to my computer. I can work on artsy stuff on the new one and surf the web on the old one! Simultaneously!
I'm also looking up ways to play my wii and PS2 through my new monitor. I don't want to lug around that super heavy TV if I don't have to. If anybody reads this and has any suggestions, I would gladly listen to them! Right now I'm leaning towards a component to HDMI converter but I am having trouble figuring out if that will work the way I want it to.