Feb 21, 2012 23:00
Taking a break from the GhiraLink. Trying to draw Demise/Ghirahim/Link.
Drawing Demise is a bitch.
(Everytime I see the name "Demise", I read the name "Denise" instead. So it is very distracting.)
I managed to get his upper body, face, and arms ok...but the waste below is crap. And I can't seem to squeeze in Link...
The original pose I wanted wouldn't work, so I will probably do like a mini comic or something.
I think it's not working because I suck at drawing porny slash things. Also, I spent a good portion of time wondering if it was even anatomically possible...and trying to find references.
I really really need to find an image showing Demise and Link standing next to each other. Close up. :/