so much for summer :P

Aug 17, 2007 14:08

So I guess I haven't really been posting anything lately. I'm sure nobody noticed because about half my friends on here don't post regularly anyway. Still not much happening here. Everybody's too busy with stuff this summer so it's difficult to have a proper D&D session. Diana's not all that fond of her job, but at least it keeps her active. She goes bonkers when she feels she's not doing something constructive. Lately I've been playing Guild Wars, researching D&D stuff for the campaign I'd eventually like to run, reading up on Taoism...and that's about it. There's an incredible amount of time that I spend doing nothing in particular, or sleeping. Summer's almost over, and it doesn't seem like it was ever really here. I just hope we don't get another shitty winter like last year. Not particularly looking forward to this weekend, because on Sunday I have to go to mandatory CPR training at work, at 10am. So after I work 8 hours, I sit in my car and read for two hours, then I relearn CPR for four hours, and then I go home and go to sleep so I can wake up for work. I don't like that. Mostly because I don't like stuff like that cutting into my free time. Partly because I had planned to check out some tai chi classes on sunday, to see if I wanted to start attending. I'd like to take the bagua classes that are held at the same place, but it doesn't work with my schedule.

One thing I am happy about, I took a short up Sehome Hill a few days ago and found the perfect place to do martial arts. It has plenty of space, it's flat, it's secluded, and it's very pretty. I wish I'd found it sooner. Like, last year. In any case, for the past two years I've been studying what's known as Yin Style Baguazhang. Particularly, the Dragon system. In two years' time I hadn't made much progress. I was doing fine until I lost my first job here, then I became so concerned about getting and keeping a job that I let it slide. Every now and then I develop an interest again. Recently, I took up practicing the Lion system. Reason behind this is, our friend Michael became our roommate several weeks ago, and he expressed an interest in learning martial arts. I'm not exactly an authoritative source, but we've started practicing together. Based on what I know of Bagua, I figured that Michael would be suited to the Lion system. So, in the interests of being able to teach him, I had to learn it too. Now I have more incentive to continue my training. I'm actually making better progress right now than I've been making in the Dragon system over the past two years. It's just easier when you have company, I guess.

martial arts, life

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