Fucking hell I love rum

Mar 18, 2009 13:52

Holy shit. So far this week's been nuts and it's only Wednesday!

So on Saturday I slept through a friend's party, which totally sucks but it's okay because I avoided something that could have possibly happened and it's all good. I did miss hanging out with all of my loves, though! I'm the only one under 21 of all of these friends and it's totally sad, but they're usually cool with it. I just hope that I won't sleep through Steve's next party!

Sunday I went to a QUEEAH St. Patty's day parade party. God, I was so hammered from about 3:30 in the afternoon until 1 or 2 in the morning. It was fucking awesome. Although I did have to walk a mile or two to get Chinese food around 1 in the morning. And then we watched Anchorman! The next morning we all had cake, skittles and leftovers for breakfast and I headed off my merry way. (I don't get hungover)

Monday I went over Nick's because he was sick. I brought him soup and juice and hopefully made him feel better. I finally watched Office Space and A Clockwork Orange, too. I want a spiffy hat and spiffier eyelashes lol.

I slept over Nick's and then left Tuesday afternoon after cleaning a bit. I got back to my apartment and Gina (a girl from my acting class) came over. We got ridiculously trashed with my roommate Dan and proceeded to run around Harborpoint like morons. We played in two separate playgrounds and I proceeded to do SOMETHING to my ankle. I don't know what the fuck I did, but I can't walk on it anymore. I should go see a doctor, but what the fuck do I tell them? "Well I was drunk and I was playing on a playground like an idiot"? I'll see if health services on campus is open this week.

Nick came over at the end of the night and policed us a little bit and spent the night. We'll be heading over for Craft day at the Queer Student Center in a bit, and then I get to see Kate and Nemo!

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