
Aug 13, 2005 11:34

-::- Basics -::-
Location:- springbrook
Hometown [ or where u were born ]:lackawanna
righty or lefty:-righty.
zodiac sign:-aries

-::- Appearence -::-
Hair:-brown n black
Tattoos:-5 of em
Tattoos wanted:-to many moor
Piercings:-11 of em
Piercings Wanted:- verticle nipples.. industrial.. tragii..

-::- Love -::-
Special Someone:-o yea
Or are you just crushing someone:- that too
Do they know:- kinda..
First kiss:- andrea
First love:- hmm....
don't you just hate these kind of questions:- o yea

-::- Friends -::-
Who are your four closest buddies:-corey hank amanda n julie
Most talented:- corey
Friendliest:-prob corey
Smartest:-me or bip.. or dave
Most shy?:- idk
highper:- idk
boy crazy:- hmmmm
ghetto:- hank or dave
Best singer:- corey
active:- me n corey work a lot
known longest:- dave
known shortest amount of time:- prob buds
want to know more:- hmmm...
good taste in music:- every fuckin one
most annoying:- i have no idea
would you die for?:- all of them
drama queen:- bip..
stuck up:-roms
can you talk to about anything:-corey

-::- Favorites -::-
Color:- red
Food:- wutever i can afford.. BIG MAC
Band:- changes a lot
Cd:- right now- a reggaetone mix
Actor:-jonny dep
Actress:-angelina jolie
Movie:- i like donnie darko.. n fite club.. n inteview wit a vampire.. n yea..
Thing in your room:- its the living room
Website:- hmmm.. ebaums world
tv show:-now if i had a tv
animal:- dog
state:-idk.. never left
outfit:- wife beater n jeans
store:- dollar store
restaurant:- dennys
fast food:- mcdonalds
singer:-hmm idk
car:- a big truck..

-::- Room -::-
Color Of walls:-white
What color would you like them to be:-white
Anything on your walls?:-yea
Whats on em?:-post its
Bedding:- couch
What you would like your bedding to be:-a big huge bed the size of the room
Top three favorite things in your room:- computer.. stereo.. n bed

-::- Future -::-
Want to be married?:-maybe
How about kids?:-yep
How many and names:-atleast 2.. n idk bout names
Job?:- machinist
Where do you see yourself in five years?:- away from here.. n makin money
Ten years?:-rich
Fifteen Years?:- dead

-::- your opinion -::-
Bush:-u picked him
politics:-jack shyt.. im not involved
labels:-kill yourself
pop:- hmmm
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