I know. It's been once a week. haha.

Sep 01, 2010 04:24

Uh...I dunno. I don't have anything to say again.
My weight's been bothering me lately. I mean, I lost weight recently, I can tell, but, I can't put words to it. It's not happening fast enough. haha. It's dumb. Maybe if we'd actually diet, it'd work a little faster, non? haha.

Anyway, I don't know what I wanted to post about, and now Mike's reading over my shoulder. Awwkkwaarrdd! haha. <3

Uhm...Let's see...I just read the newest hp_smutday post. It really wasn't bad, just...idk, not my style I guess.
Neville. haha. Anywayyys.

I have no idea if I have to work tomorrow. Suppose I'll just keep my regular schedule, and I'll uh...get a text if I am. haha.
If I'm not though, I'd really like to see Jess and Eve tomorrow. I've missed them both so much, but Jess has been with Jason, so, I understand why she hasn't been to talkative. I've had my reservations about him, but if she's happy, I'm happy.

My stomach really hurts. Whenever I try to workout it just hurts me. That really sucks. I still did them today but...not as much or as long as I would've liked.

The kittens have learned to climb, and have been playing with us. I love them all so much. My little Princess still needs a name. She can't be Princess forever...or can she? Haha, she just climbed up on the bed. Say hello to Princess, everyone.
She's amazed by any sound ever coming out of my speakers. Whenever I'm watching something or listening to my music, she stares like it's the most fantastic thing she's ever seen.

My posts are so...random. There's no organization. It sort of bothers me, actually. It's like...I'm just all the fuck over the place. I guess I am, but...hahaha. whatev.
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