random horror

Oct 08, 2010 03:08

so this kinda has to do with nothing, and yet everything as i continue to slave away in movie and tv production to bring joy to all americans (at least, americans that own basic cable). i've just read the "hunger games" trilogy, a young adult series about a dystopic future world where an evil central conglomeration forces starving children to fight to the death for sport. and then i look it up on wikipedia, and i find this quote from Alli Shearmur, the president of Lionsgate, which has green-lit a film adaptation:

"The Hunger Games is an incredible property and it is a thrill to bring it home to Lionsgate. This is exactly the kind of movie I came to Lionsgate to make: youthful, exciting, smart and edgy. We are looking forward to working with Nina and Suzanne to create a movie that satisfies audiences' hunger for high-quality entertainment."

and the fact that i don't know think he(she?)'s being ironic with his(her?) literary mirroring of "giving the masses a grand ol' time at the box office" with "child sacrifice." as long as the audience wants bigger stakes, or needs more emotional hooks, in order to distract itself from its empty lives as slaves to the machine of imperialist control, Alli Shearmur is excited to bring whatever the audience asks for to a big screen near you!

seriously? seriously?

i'm afraid that my children will one day actually watch man hunting men on television. but the scariest part is the fact that at that point, will anyone see the horror and inhumanity of such events? or will it simply be that in 2025, murder be, just as terribly tan women get punched in the face air on MTV and real beatings of teenagers hit over a million views on Youtube in 2010, entertainment?

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