Jul 04, 2006 21:42
200: My name is: Jennifer
199: I was born on: April 19, 1987
198. I am listening to: Sparkle & Fade, Everclear CD
196. My eye color is: blue
195. My shoe size is: 10 or 11
194. My ring size is: 8 1/2, i think
193. What is your favorite Color?: purple or green
192. My height is: 5'4
191. I am allergic to: caterpillars
190. I live in: a to the p
188. My bedtime: i tell myself i have to be in bed by 1 but it usually ends up being about 3
187. First Screen name: angelface3215
186. Current Screen name?: lionessaddie, amonsgt others
179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas
177. The last three cd's bought: Over the Hedge Soundtrack, Black Eyed Peas' Monkey Business, and Man of La Mancha soundtrack
176. Last song that made me cry was: "Queen of the Air"--Everclear
172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): possession...? Snuggles, my teddy bear, little animal knickknacks that once belonged to my grandma, my grandpa's ring, my foreign coin collection, my sword necklace, most of the things on my "special shelf."
171. Missing..?: a cd hollder containing multiple burned CDs and a few real CDs has been missing for some time.
170. What did you do last night: pouted because Katie and Megan mever called me back and therefore didnt get to leave or do anything fun.
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): slight burn then tan
:::::I Do / Do Not Believe In:::::
143. Santa: St. Nick, maybe. Spirit of generousity
142. Love at First Sight: no. Lust maybe, but not love.
141. Luck: of course
140. Fate: i don't think so
138. Aliens: nah
137. Heaven: heh. I pleade the 5th.
136. Hell: yes
135. Ghosts: nah
134. Horoscopes: nope
133. Soul mates: yes
:::::Which is Better?:::::
127. Phone or online: onlie
126. Red heads or Brown hair: redheads
125. S or s: uh...s.
124. Lamb and tuna or peanut butter and jelly: I don't care for lamb. PB & J, though I don't even like that much.
123. Pool or darts: pool
122: Sci-fi or horror: fantasy
121: Boys or girls: boys
120. Night or Day: night
119. Oranges or Apples: oranges are tastier but have to be peeled...
118. Curly or Straight hair: curly is cute =)
:::::What comes to your head ?:::::
116. Scary: monsters
115. Backstabbers: cruel
114. Parent(s): aren't always perfect
110. School: blows
:::::Last time?::::::::
103. Missed someone: missed the way things to be, maybe. everyday.
102. Hugged someone: uh. Saturday?
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: like two weeks ago
90. Who's the ditziest person you know: AA
89. Who makes you laugh the most: katie & meg
87. One thing I'm mad about right now: failed expectations
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: cologne
78. This summer: is a letdown
76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: home.
75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: making my dreams come true
::::::What are you doing?:::::::
73. Tomorrow: cleaning. Hopefully going out with friends, though it's unlikely.
72. Today: reading and then going to bed
71. This Summer: tragically, nothing exciting. Hopefully working, eventually.
70. Next Week: who knows. most likely, nothing exciting.
67. People call me: Jen, Jenny, JC, Lucy, Jennifer Hilary, Cricket
62. The person who knows the most about me is: Geoff
61. the person who makes you cry from laughing: Katie & Meg
60. The most difficult thing to do is: tell someone you love something you know will hurt them
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: not so far
58. I have the following siblings: younger sister, two stepbrothers
57. is MIA, apparently
56. My zodiac sign is: aries
55. Your choice of beverage: Orange Juice
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: If it's being hidden, how would I know?
51. Right now I am talking to: no one *lonely*
48. I have/will get a job at/with: heh.
47. I have a pet(s): Roxy (black lab,) Scooby (gold lab/collie,) Maggie (gold lab/german shepard.) My sister also has a kitty (Ivory,) a hamster, and a fish.
46. I hope to spend the rest of my life with: someone
45. The worst sound in the world: gunshots
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: myself
43. Have You ever done/tried drug(s)?: no.
35. Florida or Hawaii: never been to hawaii
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: pirate shirts
32. My favorite sport(s) is: hockey
31. Last time I cried: last night
28. The school I go to is: loyola university chicago, hoping to transfer...
27. Last person I got mad at: Megan
26. My worst drinking experience was: not my own.
25. Last toy/action figure you bought: water balloons, I believe
24. Again, MIA
23. What you always order in the following:
Subway: ham & cheese with lettuce, tomatoe, black olives, and italian dressing.
Taco Bell: Nachos Bellgrande or a combination of bean burritos and meximelts
Burger King: never go there. Not sure I ever have been.
KFC: mac & cheese and mashed potatoes
CARLS JR: can't remember, only been there once.
Mc Donalds: Two cheeseburger meal or chicken selects
Wendys - Chicken Ceaser salad and baked potato
Jack in the Box: Again, only been there once. Mmm, it was good, though!
Roy Rogers: huh?
22. The all-time best movie is: Pirates of the Caribbean
21. The all-time best thing in the world is?: fiction
20. So, about them Canadians: what aboot 'em, eh?
19. The most annoying thing ever is: lying
17. I lose all respect for people who: use drugs
16: You Hate: drugs
15. I Like: to buy books
16. My fav. day is: friday, except during Lost season. Then it's wendesday.
13. My Favorite Month is: december
12. My Favorite Singer is: paul mccartney
11. The worst pain I ever felt: heartbreak
10. Last Fight you were in: was via facebook. started that way, anyway
9. My room: old lady beige. hoping to redo it this summer, though
8. My favorite actor is: Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Diego Luna, amongst others.
7. Actress: Reese Witherspoon, Rachel McAdams, Renee Z, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kiera Knightly, Kirsten Dunst.
6. cheya: tewetally.
5. My weakness is/are: puppies
4. What turns me on: a sly grin
3. Who broke your heart: my mother
2. I filled out 200 questions because: gotta fill the LJ with something
1. What age do you want to be married by?: *26