(no subject)

Nov 14, 2004 00:36

wow totally NEED TO GET ONLINE MRE OFTEN i beleve the last time i wrote in this thing was almost exactally a month ago its not totally my fault though ive been really busy with my jobie thing (for thoes few of you who dont know what it is feel free to ask me because i will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have) in that breif time period of a month there have been huge political debates, the depression of many a friend, many hurts caused by others, and many other things i cant think of right now oh....yah.......by the way.............if anyone needs to just unwind with someone who will just listen and not try to rationalize (at all, period) or try and fix things without being asked, im here, just call me or email me or leave a reply here, something simple and i will be there for you nomatter what time of day, i will personally drive over to your house, although i might have to ask for directions, and make you some hot chocolate. just thought you all should know i REALLY need a day that is just for me. no school, no jobies, no friends(sorry guys), no family. just me, a book, my blanket and my kitty. oh and probabally a heater and a radio of some sort or another
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