
Jul 03, 2013 00:07

I find it amusing that I'm worried about running out of images for the Sauron-chan tumblr even though I have 170 unused pics in my Sauronchan folder and I take photos of him all the time. I suspect I'll stop worrying once I drag him all around Korea and Japan in August.

I'm off to Convergence in Minnesota on the fourth. I've got a long drive up there, but I'll be meeting my brother and mother to enjoy the con. I have to finish writing an abstract before I do though since it's due on Saturday. Meh. I look forward to the free food, great atmosphere, and room parties:D

In other news, I somehow managed to teach a 2 hr class of Bujinkan last night, and on bo! My worst weapon! They've been asking me to teach since January so I finally gave in, but let me tell you, teaching bo techniques when you're dyslexic and don't know left from right is really hard to do. Still, it went surprisingly well, and they have exhausted my knowledge of the bo, so I can never teach it again. Mwahaha!

In my experimental technology class, I pressure flaked obsidian, hafted the obsidian point, and used it to carve a soapstone bead. I feel very accomplished. (I apparently suck at flint knapping, but I'm pretty good at pressure flaking. Go figure.)


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