Song Drabble Meme

Jun 17, 2008 13:21

1)Atlantis~ James Newton Howard, Atlantis: The Lost Empire Soundtrack

Mohinder wasn’t a very logical person. He was passionate- he would make connection very quickly and easily, and strongly. Disillusion of even the most insane idea was slow to come, and when it did come it was devastating.

Such as it was when he came to terms with the fact that his father’s research was impossible- the dream of a madman.

Imagine his surprise when, such a short time after that, he was living with a man who could read minds with an ease he could never find in books, a girl who could find anything and everything, and working for a man who could literally turn lead into gold.

2)One Short Day~ Idina Menzel/Kristen Chenoweth, Wicked

The day Matt was released from the hospital, Mohinder threw caution to the wind and bought both him and Molly a sightseeing tour of New York’s most popular features.

“After all, it’s not like any of us have had much of a chance to enjoy it,” he explained

“We live here. Sorta,” Matt countered.

Molly squealed in delight at the view from above the Empire State Building.

“Okay, I can see your point,” Matt admitted.

3)They Live in You~ Samuel E. Wright, The Lion King

It made no sense to miss his sister. They had never met, never interacted, never fought over car seats or their parent’s affection. He had the one picture to go on hw she looked, and in it she was smiling, not frowning in annoyance at a younger brother’s antics, or frustrated to tears by a father’s indifference. He didn’t know her- she was a stranger.

But miss her he did.

4)Do The Evolution~ Pearl Jam, Album Unknown

Road trips. It seemed he was doomed to continually have road trips with maniacs.

Sylar as Zane Taylor- the less said the better.

Elle Bishop- The rise in his insurance premium said quite enough, thank you very much.

Jessica Sanders- That was actually much more fun than he was willing to give it credit for. Never the less, if he could erase the memory of what she had theorized about his and Matt’s sex life, he would.

The Haitian- He only found out about this trip after the fact. He was scared to find out what they’d done.

But worst of all was Matt and Molly. If he had to listen to ’Wheels on the Bus’ one more time…

5)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Main Title ~ Jeremy Soule, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Soundtrack (EA Games)

She had a lot in common with Harry Potter. Homicidal maniac who killed her parents, and wanted nothing more than to kill her as well. Supernatural powers. A really cool school, with kids like her- granted, they weren’t all like her, but enough were that the Hogwarts comparison still stood.

But she was also better than Harry Potter, because he was stuck with guardians who made him sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, and she got a Jedi Master and Dr. McCoy who loved her very, very much.

6)The Eternal Vow ~ Tan Dun, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Soundtrack

There was no more accurate- nor, sadly, polite- way to say it: Monica and Hiro’s wedding kicked ass. Even more than Peter and Elle’s, when she and Micah had rigged the automatic DJ to play The Electric Slide every other song, and Monty and Simon had gotten them roped into a really huge water ballon fight on the lawn of the reception.

Okay, so, maybe they were all a bit paranoid about rumors of Adam’s troops, and that’s why the ended up having a sword fight in the middle of the aisle. But, watching the bride and the groom go at it in the middle of their wedding- when they were both Kill Bill-worthy fighters- was really, really amazing.

They kicked ass.

7)Wake Me Up When September Ends~ Green Day, American Idiot

Even now, when she has kids old enough that kindergarten is starting to sneak up on her, she still hates the month of September.

September meant her parents desperately trying to find a place to settle down, so that she could start school. September meant whispered arguments and short, staccato punctuations and curses in three languages as she tried to sleep in the back seat. September meant memorizing their new location, meant setting up a perimeter, and identifying three or four kids she could be friendly with for the year they were allowed to stay.

September meant faking blood tests and trying not to notice when she was with Matt and the nurse mysterious forgot they needed to be taken. September meant hiding who she was.

She hated September.

8)Tomorrow Never Dies~ Sheryl Crow, The Best of Bond, James Bond

He was not a Bond woman.

Bond women got to travel with Bond, for the movie at least. And Bond women got some action to. All he got was phone calls at odd hours of the day, and a tired, cranky scientist turned secret agent that mustered up just enough energy to smile at Molly, mumble hello, and drop into a dead sleep on the bed.

Some days, he was really, really jealous of the Bond women. Until one of the movies showed up on the TV, and he remembered, that none of the Bond women actually got Bond- or, at least, if they did, they didn’t live long enough afterwards to enjoy him.

So he swallows his complaints when Mohinder comes home late, too tired to do more than think “Not now,” as he opens the door, because he can tell, Mohinder knows that too.

9)Chumba Wumba (I Get Knocked Down)~ Jock Jams, Album Unknown

Somewhere, in a distant dusty corner of Matt Parkman’s mind, there’s a song that plays whenever he hears Sylar’s name. It from an old commercial, and the tune is long lost, but the words remain: Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.

It was true. The man could get shot, thrown off a building, injected with the Shanti virus, wander the desert for three days straight, and still be back to threaten his family, even as those things killed Nathan and Niki and thousands upon thousands of other people.

But he’s never succeeded in hurting his family- not really. Because they’re survivors too.
10)Rn@wY (Backyard Bangers ft. Phoenix Orion) ~Linkin Park, Reanimation

The neighborhood isn’t good. She wouldn’t go as far as to call it the slums, but he could afford better if they would simply give her a call.

She wondered what Mohinder was thinking- working first as a taxi driver, then for the Company to support the man and child he had made his family. She understood why Chandra hadn’t used their considerable funds, but what was Mohinder’s excuse? Pride? Or did he think he was protecting her, by making her as uninvolved in his life as possible?

It hurt, that she’d had to find out about Matt and Molly through these alternative means, rather than through a phone call or a letter, or better yet, a visit. Even all these years after she’s manifested, it still seemed like cheating.

monica/hiro, m^3, rating: pg, romance, gen, peter/elle, shanti suresh, monica dawson, mohinder suresh, memed fics, matt parkman, matt/mohinder

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