Where's my 3 day weekend?

May 27, 2004 22:47

Sorry about the no updates. Stupid SBC cable broke during construction in my neighborhood so the whole 'SBC neighborhood' phones were not working. Nothing much happened the last few days that's really exciting, except that the lawyer in WI that I found is totally taking on the quarry/well case. I can't explain anything about it or you could be a witness in court and have to tell everything. I wouldn't do that to you guys. Jury duty is enough as it is. I'll just say that we're trying to settle out of court first. Phew, no more updates on that unless it's totally positive and share-able. ;o)

In other news, day camp in-service meeting was tonight and it went well. I didn't think it was going to run as smoothly as it did, but we pulled it off. Things just seemed to click and everyone is bringing a lot of new ideas to the table. I think that's just totally awesome. Hopefully, we'll be able to use them with all the budget stuff. Before tonight, I thought this summer was going to be doomed. After tonight, I believe there is hope for us yet. Yay!!!

I hope all is well with everyone and that the 3 day weekend is eventful and relaxing.

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